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Although the information contained in this Code has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. makes no warranties or representations of any kind (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, currency or completeness of the information, or that it is suitable for the intended use.

Compliance with this Code does not guarantee immunity from breach of any statutory requirements, the New Zealand Building Code or relevant Standards. The final responsibility for the correct design and specification rests with the designer and for its satisfactory execution with the contractor.

While most data have been compiled from case histories, trade experience and testing, small changes in the environment can produce marked differences in performance. The decision to use a particular material, and in what manner, is made at your own risk. The use of a particular material and method may, therefore, need to be modified to its intended end use and environment.

New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc., its directors, officers or employees shall not be responsible for any direct, indirect or special loss or damage arising from, as a consequence of, use of or reliance upon any information contained in this Code.

New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. expressly disclaims any liability which is based on or arises out of the information or any errors, omissions or misstatements.

If reprinted, reproduced or used in any form, the New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Inc. (NZMRM) should be acknowledged as the source of information.

You should always refer to the current online Code of Practicefor the most recent updates on information contained in this Code.


This Code of Practice provides requirements, information and guidelines, to the Building Consent Authorities, the Building Certifier, Specifier, Designer, Licensed Building Practitioner, Trade Trainee, Installer and the end user on the design, installation, performance, and transportation of all metal roof and wall cladding used in New Zealand.

The calculations and the details contained in this Code of Practice provide a means of complying with the performance provisions of the NZBC and the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

The scope of this document includes all buildings covered by NZS 3604, AS/NZS 1170 and those designed and built under specific engineering design.

It has been written and compiled from proven performance and cites a standard of acceptable practice agreed between manufacturers and roofing contractors.

The drawings and requirements contained in this Code illustrate acceptable trade practice, but recommended or better trade practice is also quoted as being a preferred alternative.

Because the environment and wind categories vary throughout New Zealand, acceptable trade practice must be altered accordingly; in severe environments and high wind design load categories, the requirements of the NZBC will only be met by using specific detailing as described in this Code.

The purpose of this Code of Practice is to present both Acceptable Trade Practice and Recommended Trade Practice, in a user-friendly format to ensure that the roof and wall cladding, flashings, drainage accessories, and fastenings will:

  • comply with the requirements of B1, B2, E1 E2 and E3 of the NZBC;
  • comply with the design loading requirements of AS/NZS 1170 and NZS 3604 and with AS/NZS 1562;
  • have and optimised lifespan; and
  • be weathertight.

COP v24.09:Revision-History;

19 Revision History 

Policy for Updates to NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice.

All revisions to clauses of the COP after June 2018 are recorded at 19 Revision History, including a brief explanation of the change.

See sub-clauses for detail of revisions at particular dates.

Revisions are split into 3 categories for simple assessment by users:

19A Revision Categories




Category 1 - Minor Errata

Correction to spelling, grammar or formatting that have no bearing on on the substance of the clause.

Recorded on website only - not individually included in emailed update

Category 2 - Editing and rearrangement

A clause or section of clauses has been rewritten to some extent for better articulation of the existing recommendation.

Existing citations of the COP in project documentation may be less clear as a result, but recommendations are not altered.

Recorded on website, and will be cited in emailed update as either specific or summary information as appropriate.

Category 3 - Substantial change to recommendation

A substantial change in a specific recommendation of the COP has taken place.

A review of existing project documentation against the new clause is considered essential.

Recorded on website, and explained with detail in emailed update

19.1 v24.09 September 2024 

The latest changes to the NZMRM Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice; published on 1 September 2024.

Category 3: Substantial Changes to Recommendations.

  • 8.5.1 Ridge and Hip Intersections
    Changed the requirement for butyl membranes, underlay, or soft flashing for weathertightness to a recommendation as a secondary method in addition to good design and installation.
  • Spouting Support Systems
    Clarifying recommendation: brackets for pre-painted spouting in marine conditions must be appropriately painted or powder-coated before installation, or non-ferrous metals should be used.

Category 2: Editing and Rearrangement

19.1A Revision Detail v24.09 - 2024 -September

CategoryClause Number (prior to update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message
1 - Minor Errata4.34.3 Metal PerformanceMinor revision to improve clarity, conciseness, style, or layout. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4.64.6 Environmental CategoriesMinor revision for style, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Solar Collectors and Other Roof Mounted StructuresResizing of photos for consistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Capillary ActionMinor edit for style, grammar, clarity, or consistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4.144.14 Swarf Staining and Cut Edge CorrosionResized photos for consistency and layout. No changes to recommendations.  
1 - Minor Errata4.154.15 ClearancesIllustration reformatting. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Ground ClearanceIllustration reformatting. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Post-Painted Factory Applied finishMinor edit to improve clarity, conciseness, style, or layout. No changes to recommendations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Spouting Support SystemsEditing to clarify the requirement for pre-painting spouting brackets.
1 - Minor Errata8.48.4 Flashing CoverFixed typo. changed "m" to "mm".
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Flashing LapsClarified the recommendation for unsealed laps to have a minimum of 150 mm cover and sealed laps a minimum of 100 mm.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation8. Ridge and Hip Intersections
  • Renamed clause to Ridge and Hip Intersections.
  • Changed the requirement for butyl membranes, underlay, or soft flashing for weathertightness to a recommendation as a secondary method in addition to good design and installation.
1 - Minor Errata15.1.615.1.6 DurabilityFixed the spelling of soffit. No changes to recommendations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement18.218.2 Pitch & Rise CalculatorAdded pitches to the table above 60°
4 - Clause Inserted 19.1 v24.09 September 2024A new clause providing details of the updates published on 1 September 2024.

19.2 v24.06 June 2024 

The updates published on 1 June 2024 include improvements to Spouting Support Systems and clarifying recommendations to prevent negative pressure with Ridge Vents. Substantial changes include removing wind load/span graphs for 0.70 mm aluminium.

Editing and rearrangement updates involve updating and editing images for consistency, clarifying 7.3.2 Roof Cladding Expansion Provisions, material thickness, and amending references to the availability of AM Coatings in New Zealand. Minor edits were made for grammar, style, clarity, and consistency.

Notable revisions:

In addition to these and some minor edits and rearrangements, several images have been revised for consistency. For a detailed list of revisions, please visit 19.2 v24.06 June 2024.

19.2A Revision Detail v24.06 - 2024 - June

CategoryClause Number (prior to update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Spouting Support SystemsClause renamed. Expanded recommendation for compatibility of spouting support systems.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation10.10.1.310.10.1.3 Ridge VentsAdded recommendation for ridge vents to be smaller than eaves vents.
0 - Clause Removed3.11.2.3Trapezoidal Five Rib Aluminium – 0.70The clause has been removed because aluminium is now offered in 0.90mm as the standard thickness.
0 - Clause Removed3.11.2.1Corrugated Aluminium – 0.70The clause has been removed because aluminium is now offered in 0.90mm as the standard thickness.
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message and rewriting for clarity. No changes in recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata1.41.4 AcknowledgementsTypo fix: tradespeople
1 - Minor Errata1. MediationMinor revisions for grammar and clarity. No change to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata1. AdjudicationMinor revision for grammar, style, and clarity. No change to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata1. Arbitration and LitigationMinor punctuation fix.
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsAdded definition for Vented Ridging.
1 - Minor Errata33 StructureMinor revision for style, grammar, and clarity. No change to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata3.23.2 StandardsMinor review for style, grammar, and clarity. No change to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata3. AS/AZS 1170.2:2011Minor revision for style, grammar and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata3.33.3 PerformanceMinor revision for style, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Material ThicknessMinor review for style, grammar, and clarity. Edit to clarify the use of 0.63 mm material.
1 - Minor Errata4.24.2 Metal CorrosionMinor edit for style, grammar, and clarity. No change to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Sea SprayMinor revision for style, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Assessment of Marine EnvironmentsMinor revision for style, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Environmental GuidesMinor revision for style, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Graffiti RemovalMinor revision for style, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. LichenMinor revison for style, layout, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Dissimilar MetalsMinor revision for style, layout, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Compatibility TableMinor revision for layout, style, grammar, and clarity. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Unwashed AreasEdit for style, grammar, clarity, and consistency.
1 - Minor Errata4. Poultice CorrosionMinor edit for style, grammar, clarity, or consistency. No change to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Capillary ActionMinor edit for style, grammar, clarity, or consistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4.114.11 Inert CatchmentMinor edits for style, clarity, consistency, and grammar. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4.124.12 PondingMinor edits for grammar, style, clarity, or consistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4.134.13 Pitting CorrosionMinor edit for grammar, clarity, consistency, and style. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4.144.14 Swarf Staining and Cut Edge CorrosionMinor edits for grammar, punctuation, clarity, and consistency. No changes to recommendations.  
1 - Minor Errata4.154.15 ClearancesMinor editing for style, grammar, clarity, and consistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Ground ClearanceMinor edit for style, layout, grammar, clarity, and consistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Site ManagementMinor edit for style, grammar, layout, clarity, and conistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. Metallic CoatingsMinor edit for grammar and punctuation. No changes to recommendations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4. AM CoatingsRemoved reference to coatings weights and availability in NZ.
1 - Minor Errata4. AluminiumMinor edits for grammar, style, punctuation, and consistency. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata4. ZincMinor edit for style, grammar, and punctuation. No changes to recommendations.
1 - Minor Errata5.75.7 Outlets and DownpipesEdits for clarity and corrected link to Inert Catchment
1 - Minor Errata7. Roof Cladding Expansion ProvisionsMinor edit for style, grammar, consistency, or clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted19.119.2 v24.06 June 2024New clause providing details of the updates published on 1 June 2024.

19.3 v24.03 March 2024 

In the most recent update to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice , published on 1 March 2024, there were no substantial changes to recommendations.

New Clauses:

7.4.1 Wall Cladding End Laps: Giving guidance for flashing end laps on wall cladding. Including an illustration.

Editing and rearrangement:


The rest of the updates consisted of some renamed clauses, and minor corrections and edits.

19.3A Revision Detail v24.03 - 2024 - March

CategoryClause Number (prior to update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsAdded definition for Stand-off clips.
1 - Minor Errata3. Material GradeFixed typo in title for 3.4.5C Typical Result for G550 Steel.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4.174.17 Tray Roofing Clip DurabilityMade provision for plastic clips in table 4.17A Allowable Clip Material for Tray and Trough Cladding Over Dry Internal Environments.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Gutter Capacity CalculatorUpdate Manufacturer's Data illustration to ignore freeboard when there is Overflow along Gutter
4 - Clause Inserted 7.4.1 Wall Cladding End LapsNew Clause giving guidance about wall cladding end laps.
1 - Minor Errata8.48.4 Flashing CoverSized text for consistency throughout the illustrations. Added a hem to 8.4E Barge Flashing Cover — Trapezoidal and Secret Fixed and 8.4G Barge Flashing Cover — Corrugate. Adjusted the cover shown in 8.4O Parapet Cap Cover (no change to values)
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Parapet CappingsNew illustration showing a 8.5.4G Parapet-Roof Intersection.
2 - Editing and rearrangement12.1.312.1.3 Thermal NoiseRenamed photograph to 12.1.3A Poor Purlin-to-Rafter Connection.
1 - Minor Errata14.1114.11 OverhangMinor adjustments on illustration for improved accuracy, some minor content editing for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata15.4.515.4.5 Tray FixingsTypo fix.
1 - Minor Errata15.4.815.4.8 Tray VentilationTypo Fix.
1 - Minor Errata15.4.1115.4.11 Tray Roof FlashingReformatted text in illustrations for consistency.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.3 v24.03 March 2024New revison clause detailing changes following the update on 1 March 2024

19.4 v23.12 December 2023 

NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice v23.12

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 December 2023.

Substantial change to recommendations:

  • 15.1 Curved Roofs and all its sub-clauses have been substantially reviewed and revised.
  • 8.4 Flashing Cover:
    • Added clarification of rib cover to Apron Flashing Cover — Trapezoidal.
    • Changed rib height for minimum flashing cover from 25 mm to 20 mm.
    • Changed recommendation for longitudinal flashings to include both apron and barge flashings.
    • Added Category D for SED in Wind Zones up to 68 m/s.

Notable Editing and rearrangement:

The rest of the updates consisted of some renamed clauses, and minor corrections and edits.

19.4A Revision Detail v23.12 - 2023 - December

CategoryClause Number (prior to update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Maximum Spans and Fastening Pattern for Corrugate Wall CladdingThis clause has been renamed and moved to 3.10 Fastening Pattern Tables – Designs to NZS 3604.
1 - Minor Errata3. G550 Steel Roof Fastening Pattern TablesClause has been renamed to clearly differentiate between roof and wall cladding fastening patterns.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.115.1 Curved RoofsThe main clause 15.1 Curved roof has been comprehensively reviewed and revised.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15. Spring CurvingThis clause has been substantially revised during the overall review of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
0 - Clause Removed15.1.3Transverse LapsThis clause has been removed during the revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs. Information previously contained in this clause is now available in other sub-clauses of the main clause (15.1 Curved Roofs).
4 - Clause Inserted 15.1.3 Penetrations: Curved RoofsA newly created clause as part of the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs
4 - Clause Inserted 15.1.4 Ventilation: Curved RoofsA newly created clause as part of the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
2 - Editing and rearrangement99 External Moisture PenetrationsNew referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.1.5 Thermal Expansion: Curved RoofsA newly created clause as part of the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.1.9 Installation: Curved RoofsNew clause, created from information previously contained in 15.1.11 Crimp Curving.
0 - Clause Removed15.1.6Concave RoofsThis clause has been removed during the revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
0 - Clause Removed15.1.10Timber FixingThis clause has been removed during the revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.1.415.1.6 DurabilityThis clause has been edited during the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
0 - Clause Removed15.1.5Purlin SpacingThis clause has been removed during the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs. The information can now be found in 15.1.7 Spring Curving.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.1.715.1.8 Pre-Curved RoofsThis clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.1.915.1.11 Crimp Curving

This clause has been substantially edited during the revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.

2 - Editing and rearrangement15.1.815.1.10 Roll CurvingThis clause has been revised during the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.1.2 End Laps: Curved RoofsNewly created clause as part of the overall revision of 15.1 Curved Roofs.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9.49.4 Penetration DesignNew referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Gutter Capacity CalculatorAdditional label to clarify that gutter dimensions at the outlet are to be used for the calculation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement88 External Moisture FlashingsNew referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8.28.2 Flashing DesignNew referral to RANZ Roofing Guide for further information.
2 - Editing and rearrangement1, 11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15. Side Laps: Curved RoofsThis clause has been comprehensively revised during the overall review of 15.1 Curved Roofs
4 - Clause Inserted 19.4 v23.12 December 2023Revision details for V23.12; published on 1 December 2023.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Ridge – barge IntersectionsNew illustration showing a head barge/ridge/barge junction.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation8.48.4 Flashing Cover
  • Added clarification of rib cover to 8.4K Apron Flashing Cover — Trapezoidal.
  • Changed rib height for minimum flashing cover from 25 mm to 20 mm.
  • Changed recommendation for longitudinal flashings to include both apron and barge flashings.
  • Added Category "D" for SED up to 68 m/s, all pitches, and updated tables and the illustrations to match.  
4 - Clause Inserted 8.5.2 Head Barge/Ridge/Barge JunctionNew iIllustration of Head Barge/Ridge/Barge Junction.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Apron UpstandsInserted an illustration to show Undertray for additional upstand.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. Wet Storage DamageAdded description and recommendation for dealing with Blooming.
1 - Minor Errata14. ScrewsFixed table: Screw Thread Types.
0 - Clause Removed16.2.1InstallationClause removed because the subject is comprehensively covered in Installation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.315.4.3 Tray Roofing DesignThis clause has been renamed Tray Roofing Design. Some content editing for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Tray Cladding Set OutThe clause has been renamed Tray Cladding Set Out and a grammar fix.
4 - Clause Inserted10.1.410.1.4 ComplianceNew Clause under 10.1 NZBC Clause E3: Internal Moisture (Extract).
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.615.4.7 SarkingChanged recommendation for overhang at the gutter line.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.415.4.5 Tray FixingsContent editing for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Tray Roofing ProfilesThis clause has been renamed Tray Roofing Profiles. Some content editing.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Tray Roofing MaterialsRenamed the clause to Tray Roofing Materials. Some minor edits.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.415.4 Tray RoofingThis clause has been revised to clarify the difference between Tray roofing and standing seam roofing, as terms are used in the Code of Practice.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Penetration Flashings on Trapezoidal ProfilesRenamed clause to Penetration Flashings on Trapezoidal Profiles.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.4 Tray Roofing WeathertightnessA new clause dealing with Weathertightness and tray roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 4.17 Tray Roofing Clip DurabilityA new clause about the durability of roofing clips.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Penetration Back FlashingsClause renamed to Penetration Back Flashings.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Penetration Flashings on Corrugated ProfilesRenamed the clause to Penetration Flashings on Corrugated Profiles.
1 - Minor Errata4, 44 DurabilityInserted a link to the 4.9.4A Interactive Material Compatibility Tool.
1 - Minor Errata14. Recommendations for Fixing AluminiumAdded "non-compressible" to point d.
1 - Minor Errata15. Tray Roofing Wind NoiseGrammar fix.
1 - Minor Errata3. Material ThicknessPunctuation fix.
1 - Minor Errata3. Corrugate ProfileGrammar fix.
1 - Minor Errata3.43.4 ProfilesTypo fix.
1 - Minor Errata33 StructurePunctuation fix.

19.5 2023 – September 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 September 2023.

Versioning and presentation:

  • Beginning with this revision the Code of Practice updates its version number with each update, to make it clear when the current update was published.
    The version numbering uses a year.month pattern: for example this update is v23.09, where 23 indicates the year (2023) and 09 indicates the month (September).
    Refer to 19 Revision History for a log of specific changes in each update.
  • An overall upgrade to styling for improved typeface readability and better contrast in headings.
  • Additionally there are new "Quick Actions" on the COP Home page for reference to updates and interactive tools, and the registration process has been streamlined.

Substantial change to recommendations:

Editing and rearrangement:

The rest of the updates consisted of minor corrections and edits.

19.5A Revision Detail - 2023 - September

CategoryClause Number (prior to update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement1.11.1 Disclaimer and CopyrightRemoved copy explaining the update-policy and created a new subclause for those explanations.
4 - Clause Inserted 1.1.1 Code of Practice Update-PolicyOutline the update policy, new Version numbering scheme, and process for requesting archival content
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsAdded definition for Reglet flashing.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.11 Wind Load/Span Graphs – Designs to AS/NZS1170New clause to group 3.11.1 Steel Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs and 3.11.2 Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs for designs to AS/NZS 1170.
2 - Editing and rearrangement33 StructureRevision of the introductory clause to clarify uses of 3.10 Fastening Pattern Tables – Designs to NZS 3604 and3.11 Wind Load/Span Graphs – Designs to AS/NZS1170.
1 - Minor Errata3. AS/AZS 1170.2:2011Fixed typo: amendments. Completed the last sentence and formatted the link to 3.7 Modes of Failure properly.
1 - Minor Errata3. Wind LoadResized photographs so they display the same.
1 - Minor Errata3. Snow LoadsGrammatical fix for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata3. DeflectionFixed typo: distributed and roofing.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.93.9 Fastener Requirements and OverhangsClause has been renamed.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.10 Fastening Pattern Tables – Designs to NZS 3604New clause to group 3.10.1 G550 Steel Roof Fastening Pattern Tables and 3.10.3 Aluminium Fastening Pattern Tables for NZS3604-designs.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation4. Compatibility TableCorrection to "use with caution" for contact between concrete and steel. Removed brand names in favour of generic descriptive terms.
4 - Clause Inserted4. Ground ClearanceNew clause under 4.15 Clearances
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Valley Capacity CalculatorEnabled valley calculations for roofs at pitches below 3° - enforces a minimum freeboard of 30mm
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. SumpsAdded recommendation for internal sumps to be sealed against the sides and sole of the gutter. Some typo fixes.
1 - Minor Errata6.26.2 ComplianceFixed a missing link to: 7 External Moisture Roofing, 8 External Moisture Flashings, and 9 External Moisture Penetrations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8.28.2 Flashing DesignRevised 8.2A Notched Flashing illustration to recommend a screw fastener to the purlin in preference to a rivet.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Flashing EdgesRemoved recommendation to provide longitudinal flashings with an anti-capillary gap, as this is impractical.
4 - Clause Inserted 8.3 Metal Fascias and FacadesA new clause providing guidance for purpose-made Metal Fascias and Facades.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Apron FlashingsCorrected name for 8.5.5H Parapet — Reglet Flashing, Chase Cut and 8.5.5I Parapet — Reglet Flashing, Face Fixed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Penetration Flashings on Trapezoidal ProfilesClarifying text for fixing under-soaker flashing added to Level Under-Soaker: Trapezoidal,
1 - Minor Errata1212 Fitness For PurposeFixed typo: Addition
1 - Minor Errata13.313.3 Working on RoofsEdited the caption under 13.3A Working on Roofs Safety Systems.
1 - Minor Errata14.314.3 Accepting DeliveryAdded clarifying statement to contact the supplier when the condition of the product is in doubt.
1 - Minor Errata14. NailsPhoto of Nail Pull-Out rotated.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.19.314.19.3 Correctly Installed GuttersChanged recommendation for gutter drainage to be more consistent with MBIE tolerances.
1 - Minor Errata15. Spring CurvingUpdated reference to the tables in this clause.
1 - Minor Errata15.1.615.1.6 Concave RoofsRemoved reference to a redundant table. Some grammar fixes.
1 - Minor Errata15.1.915.1.11 Crimp CurvingFixed a broken link to 16.8 Overpainting.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.815.4.9 Standing Seam Roofing Wind LoadsRenamed table, it is now called: Generic Standing Seam Clip Spacing and inserted Medium Wind Zone.
1 - Minor Errata15.4.12.415.4.13.4 Finishing at Ridges and Eaves of Tray RoofingTypo fix.
1 - Minor Errata1616 Maintenance Some editing for accuracy.
4 - Clause Inserted 16.1 Maintenance ComplianceNew clause inserted.
0 - Clause Removed16.1Improved DurabilityClause removed during the over-all revision of 16 Maintenance .
0 - Clause Removed16.2Normal MaintenanceThis clause was removed during the over-all revision of 16 Maintenance
4 - Clause Inserted 16.3 Reactive MaintenanceNew clause created during the over-all revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16.316.4 Scheduled MaintenanceThe clause was revised as part of the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16.416.5 Preventative MaintenanceThis clause was revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16.516.6 Special MaintenanceThis clause was revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16.616.2 InspectionClause revised as part of the over-all revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16.716.7 WashingThis clause was revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16. Lichen And MouldTHis clause was revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
2 - Editing and rearrangement16. GraffitiThis clause was revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16.816.8 OverpaintingThis clause was revised during the overall revsion of 16 Maintenance .
4 - Clause Inserted 16.8.1 Preparation for OverpaintingNew clause created during the overall revision of 16.8 Overpainting.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16. Unpainted CladdingThis clause has been revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
2 - Editing and rearrangement16. Weathered Pre-Painted CladdingThis clause was revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
2 - Editing and rearrangement16.8.316.8.1.1 White CorrosionThis clause has been revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
2 - Editing and rearrangement16.8.416.8.1.2 Red CorrosionThis clause was revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
4 - Clause Inserted 16.8.5 Unweathered Pre-Painted CladdingNew clause created during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation16.8.516.8.2 ApplicationThis clause has been renamed and completely revised during the overall revision of 16 Maintenance , previously independent clauses have also been incorporated. They are: Brush Application, Roller Application, Spray Application 
0 - Clause Removed16.8.6Brush ApplicationThis clause has been removed during the overall revison of 16 Maintenance . Brush Application is now discussed in 16.8.2 Application.
0 - Clause Removed16.8.7Roller ApplicationThis clause has been removed during the overall revison of 16 Maintenance . Roller Application is now discussed in 16.8.2 Application.
0 - Clause Removed16.8.8Spray ApplicationThis clause has been removed during the overall revison of 16 Maintenance . Spray Application is now discussed in 16.8.2 Application.
0 - Clause Removed16.9Material SelectionThis clause was removed during an overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
0 - Clause Removed16.9.1ResidentialThis clause was removed during an overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
0 - Clause Removed16.9.2CommercialThis clause was removed during an overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
0 - Clause Removed16.9.3Responsibility and LiabilityThis clause was removed during an overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
0 - Clause Removed16.9.4Special Environments And ExclusionsThis clause was removed during an overall revision of 16 Maintenance .
0 - Clause Removed16.11StorageThis clause was removed during an overall revision of 16 Maintenance .  Storage is dealt with through various clauses under 14 Installation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement18.218.2 Pitch & Rise CalculatorRenamed from "Roof Pitch Tangent" to "Pitch & Rise Calculator" for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement18.518.5 Geometry And MeasurementRenamed from "Geometry And Mensuration" to "Geometry And Measurement".
4 - Clause Inserted 19.5 2023 – SeptemberNew clause listing revisions for September 2023.

19.6 2023 – June 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 June 2023.

Substantial change to recommendations:

The main section 3 Structure has been comprehensively revised.

Other important updates:

  • A new clause discusses 12.3 Flashing Buckling in more detail, while the old clause has been renamed Compression Timber.
  • Standing Seam Cladding has been renamed 15.4 Tray Roofing and the entire clause and its sub-clauses have been reviewed.
  • The definition of standing seam roofing (a form of tray roofing installed on solid sarking, using traditional seaming tools) has been clarified.

The rest of the updates consisted of minor corrections and edits.

19.6B Revision Detail - 2023 - June

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsClarified the definition of Standing Seam Profile.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation33 StructureThe main clause Structure has been comprehensively revised. The revision comprises several changes thtoughout the main clause and sub-clauses
4 - Clause Inserted 3.2 StandardsNew clause to group the standards refered to in 3 Structure in the COP.
0 - Clause Removed3.2GeneralThis clause has been merged with the intorductory clause for 3 Structure.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.33.2.1 AS/AZS 1170.2:2011This clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.43.2.2 NZS 3604:2011Changed the description of what NZS 3604 includes. Removed the statement that NZS 3604 is location specific.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.2.3 NASH StandardNew clause to mention the NASH Standard in relation to B1/AS1.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.3 PerformanceNew clause. This clause was filled with information previously available in the old clause 3.5.1 Understanding Loads
4 - Clause Inserted 3.3.1 Section PropertiesNew sub-clause discussing how to determine profile strength under load.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.153.4 ProfilesThis clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. Some copy has been moved to 3.5.6 Section Properties
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Corrugate ProfileThe clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of Structure.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Trapezoidal Profilerevised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Miniature ProfilesDeleted reference to metrical or imperial sizing of miniture profiles.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Secret-fixed ProfilesClause renamed and combined with 3.15.4 Standing Seam (removed). Added an illustration
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.133.4.5 Material GradeContent had been revised and edited as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.143.4.6 Material ThicknessThe content of this clause was revised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.5 LoadsNew introductory clause leading into various clauses dealing with different loads.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.53.5.1 Understanding LoadsThe clause has been revised and edited as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. The illustration of 3.3A Profiled Steel — Flanges and Webs and some content have been moved to 3.4 Profiles. The illustration 3.5.1A Compression, Tensile and Shear Force
0 - Clause Removed3.5.1Point LoadThis clause has been removed as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. Instead of two clauses
0 - Clause Removed3.5.6Section PropertiesThis clause was removed as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. The information previous contained in this clause has been spread throughout other clauses.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. ContinuityThe content of this clause was revised and edited as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. The illustration for Continuity
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Load DistributionThe Load Distribution-clause has been revised and edited as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
0 - Clause Removed3.5.2Wind LoadThis clause was merged with Wind Load as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
0 - Clause Removed3.5.5Yield StrengthThis clause has been assimilated into a new clause
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.63.6 Types of LoadClauses decribing types of load have been rearranged and revised for clarity and easy of use. Content previously contained to this clause was distributed among it's sub-clauses.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Point LoadThis clause revised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Wind LoadTwo clauses that previously discussed wind load were merged into one as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. The content of both clauses were revised and edited to facilitate the merger.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Local Pressure Factor (Kl)Corrected illustration Local Pressure for Low-Pitch Roofs and deleted C Local Pressure Factors C.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Conversion of Wind Speed To PressureThe content of this clause has been edited as part of a overall revision of 3 Structure.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Snow LoadsThis contents in this clause has been edited for conciseness as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Roof WeightThe content os this clause has been edited for clarity.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.3.13.7 Modes of FailureThe contents of this clause has been edited as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.7.1 Serviceability and Ultimate FailureNewly created clause discussing Serviceability and Ultimate Failure.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. DeflectionThe content of this clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. The contents have been merged with 3.5.5 Yield Strength
4 - Clause Inserted 3.7.3 DeformationNew clause made up of merged content from 3.7.2 Deflection and 3.5.5 Yield Strength.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Roof TrafficThe content of this has been edited to include a load of 2 kPa applied for accessible roofs.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.93.7.5 Dead LoadsThe content of this clause has been edited as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.13.7.6 Construction LoadsThe content is this clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. A photo to illustrate rib damage due to construction loads was added.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Fatigue and Brittle FailureThe content of this clause has been revised as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure
4 - Clause Inserted 3.8 FastenersNew introductory clause to sub-clauses dealing with structural requirements for fasteners.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.113.8.1 Fastener LoadsThe content is this clause has been revised as part of the overall revsion of 3 Structure.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Steel Purlins This clause has been renamed and merged with 3.12.1 Screw Fasteners and Steel Purlins Thicker Than 1 mm.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Pull-over ValuesThe content of this clause has been edited as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. The copy was revised and the table A Typical Pull over values for crest fixing (serviceability failure) was removed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Load-spreading WashersTHis clause has been moved as part of the overall revision of 3 Structure. It now follows 3.8.4 Pull-over Values.
0 - Clause Removed3.12Fastener PerformanceThis clause has been merged with 3.8.1 Fastener Loads.
0 - Clause Removed3.12.1Screw FastenersThis clause has been merged with 3.8.2 Steel Purlins .
0 - Clause Removed3.12.1.2Steel Purlins Thicker Than 1 mmThis clause was merged with 3.8.2 Steel Purlins .
0 - Clause Removed3.15.4Standing SeamClause was combined with 3.4.4 Secret-fixed Profiles.
1 - Minor Errata44 DurabilityFixed typo.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation4. Compatibility TableCorrection to the combination of Stainless Steel with Zinc or Zinc coated steel, where runoff from Stainless Steel is not suitable.
Amendment of some material descriptions to more common industry terms (Galvanised steel, Colorsteel®/Colorcote®, Zincalume®).
Addition of Painted Galvanised Steel.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Valley FixingRearranged layout.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Asymmetrical ValleysAdded recommendation for valley baffles where roof pitches excced 10°.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation8. Parapet CappingsThis clause was comprehensivly reviewed and all the illustrations were updated.
1 - Minor Errata8. Apron FlashingsEdited for clarity. Removed mention of 'hidden flashings' and inserted mention of B2/AS1.
1 - Minor Errata8. Eaves FlashingThe illustration of Gutter-Eaves Flashing has been amended to align with measurements from E2/AS1.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8.88.9 Compression TimberClause renamed. Flashing buckling is discussed in 12.3 Flashing Buckling.
4 - Clause Inserted 12.3 Flashing BucklingNew clause discussing buckling of flashings.
1 - Minor Errata14.1114.11 OverhangDrawing tidy up.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.415.4 Tray RoofingThe entire clause 15.4 Tray Roofing
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Tray Roofing MaterialsRenamed the couse to Tray Profile Materials.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Tray Roofing Profiles15.4 Tray Roofing has been revised and renamed to Self-Support and Standing Seam Profiles.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.3 Tray Roofing DesignNew clause discussing standing seam design.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.4.315.4.5 Tray FixingsStanding Seam Fixings has been reviewed
1 - Minor Errata15.4.515.4.7 SarkingProvided full terminology for CPD (Control Panel Directive).
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.615.4.8 Tray VentilationStanding Seam Ventilation has been renamed Tray Ventilation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.715.4.9 Standing Seam Roofing Wind LoadsThe clause Standing Seam Roofing Wind Loads has been renamed Tray Roofing Wind Loads.
4 - Clause Inserted Tray Roofing Wind NoiseNew Clause for Tray Roofing Wind Noise.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.815.4.10 Penetrations on Tray RoofingThe clause Penetrations on Standing Seam Cladding has been renamed to Penetrations on Tray Roofing.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.4.10.315.4.11 Tray Roof Flashing1. Clause and illustraions have been renamed
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.915.4.12 Canning and Purlin CreasingRemoved last line to avoid confusion .
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.1015.4.13 Installing Tray CladdingClause renamed
4 - Clause Inserted Commence Laying Tray CladdingNew clause discussing laying of tray cladding.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Provision for Expansion — Tray RoofingPhoto from Installing Standing Seam Cladding has been moved to Provision for Expansion — Tray Roofing. Clause has been renamed for consistency.
4 - Clause Inserted Finishing at Ridges and Eaves of Tray RoofingNew clause describing tray roofing sheet end treatment.
1 - Minor Errata17. Allowance for VariationCorrected depreciation factor for clip-fastened products from 30% to 1.3.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.6 2023 – JuneNew clause with revision details for 1 June 2023.

19.7 2023 – March 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 March 2023.

Substantial changes to recommendations:

Editing and rearrangement:

Other changes consisted of small fixes for clarity and grammar.

19.7A Revision Detail - 2023 - March

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Gutter Capacity CalculatorGutter Capacity Calculator now supports calculation where gutter fall is greater than 1:100, and has an option for Secret Gutters (i.e. where a roof slopes towards a raking wall or barge).
3 - Substantial change to recommendation7. Minimum Roof Cladding PitchRevised and renamed table 7.1.1A Minimum Pitch for Generic Metal Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.2 Roof Drainage TerminologyNew clause to clarify COP usage of terminology pertaining to Roof Drainage.
4 - Clause Inserted Designing for Climate ChangeNewly introduced clause, recommending NIWA's HIRDS-tool.
4 - Clause Inserted Bay WindowsNew clause discussing drainage for Bay Windows.
4 - Clause Inserted OutbuildingsNew clause to give guidance on roof drainage for outbuildings.
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsAdded definitions for Freeboard, Internal gutter, Hidden gutter, Secret gutter, and Raking Spouting.
1 - Minor Errata3. Wind LoadFixed broken link.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Internal Gutter Design FeaturesAdded clarifying text regarding scuppers.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Asymmetrical ValleysIncluded details drawing for installing a .
2 - Editing and rearrangement8.38.4 Flashing CoverAdded clarification of rib cover to 8.4K Apron Flashing Cover — Trapezoidal.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Barge And VergeAdded illustrations showing details for:8.5.3B Stepped Fascia Corrugate Under Barge; 8.5.3C Stepped Fascia Corrugate Over Barge; 8.5.3D Stepped Fascia Trapezoidal Under Barge; 8.5.3E Stepped Fascia Trapezoidal Over Barge; and 8.5.3F Tray Roofing-Wall Connection.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Apron FlashingsAdded illustration showing 8.5.5H Parapet — Reglet Flashing, Chase Cut and 8.5.5I Parapet — Reglet Flashing, Face Fixed.
1 - Minor Errata14.1614.16 Stop-endsMinor edit for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.1714.17 Turndowns (Drip Forming or Drip Edging) Edited copy to provide guidance for difficult to turn down profiles, such as deep corrugated profiles.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.7 2023 – MarchRevision and updates active 1 March 2023.

19.8 2022 – November 

In a major update, effective 1 November 2022, the Clause 15.5 – previously 'Insulated Panels' – has been revised and extended.
The main clause has been renamed 15.5 Warm Roofs, and it now includes sub-clauses dealing with 15.5.1 Insulated Panels 15.5.2 Composite Systems and 15.5.3 Spray-On Systems.

Other notable updates include:

The rest of the updates consist of minor edits for clarity and layout.

19.8A Revision Detail - 2022 - November

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdated Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Snow LoadsTable Altitudes for Snow Loading Designn was renamed to remove ambiguity.
1 - Minor Errata3.153.4 ProfilesRenamed Tray/Deck profiles to Standing Seam/Tray Profiles.
1 - Minor Errata5.15.1 NZBC: Clause E1 — Surface WaterExpanded performance requirement in accordance with E1– Surface Water.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Asymmetrical ValleysChanged recommendation in line with the most recent 5.5.7 Valley Capacity Calculator.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.110.10 Ventilation PathwaysAdded fleece lined products.
1 - Minor Errata12. Wind NoiseAdded recommendation to reduce Underlay Flutter, by adding spray-on foam insulation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. ValleysUpdated Reference to 5.5.7 Valley Capacity Calculator
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.4.615.4.8 Tray VentilationReplaced 15.4.8A Standing Seam Ventilation with better quality image.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.4.715.4.9 Standing Seam Roofing Wind LoadsChange in recommendation.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.11 Tray Roof FlashingNewly created clause.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.515.5 Warm RoofsThe main clause Insulated Panels have been renamed Warm Roofs. In addition to insulated panels, the clause also features composite roofs and spray-on systems.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Insulated Panel ManufacturingThe clause Design under Insulated Panels has been comprehensively reviewed and edited. It is now called Insulated Panel manufacturing. The rest of the content is available in smaller sub-clauses throughout the new clause 15.5.1 Insulated Panels.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.5.1 Insulated PanelsNewly created clause for Insulated Panels.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulated Panel CompositionNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulated Panel Face ProfilesNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulation Panel Insulation ValuesNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Natural Lighting for Insulated PanelsNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulated Panels Fitness for PurposeNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulated Panel InstallationNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulated Panel Installation SafetyNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulated Panel PenetrationsNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Insulated Panel End LapsNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Insulated Panel Face MaterialsThe clause has been comprehensively reviewed and edited.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.5.2 Composite SystemsNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Composite Systems ComposistionNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Composite System InstallationNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.5.315.5.1.5 Insulated Panel Core MaterialsThe clause has been comprehensively reviewed and edited.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.5.3 Spray-On SystemsNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Ventilation of Spray-on SystemsNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.5.415.5.1.7 Insulation Panel StructureThis clause has been comprehensively reviewed and edited.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15. Insulated Panels Supporting StructureThe clause has been comprehensively reviewed and renamed.
0 - Clause Removed15.5.5ThermalClause was removed during the revision of Insulated Panels.
0 - Clause Removed15.5.5.1FireClause was removed during a revision of Insulated Panels.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.5.615.5.1.10 Insulated Panels and Internal MoistureThis clause has been comprehensively reviewed and renamed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.5.715.5.1.9 Insulated Panel AcousticsThis clause has been comprehensively reviewed and edited.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.5.815.5.1.16 Fixing Insulated PanelsThis clause has been comprehensively revised and renamed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.5.915.5.1.18 Insulated Panel FlashingsThis clause has been comprehensively revised and renamed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement17.317.3 MRM Soft Edge StandardEditing for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.8 2022 – NovemberRevision summary for the November 2022 update.

19.9 2022 – June 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 June 2022.

Revised clauses:

Clause 15.4 Tray Roofing and all its sub-clauses were comprehensively revised for this update.

Change in recommendation:

The rest of the updates consisted of minor changes, grammar fixes, and minor edits to improve clarity.

19.9A Revision Detail - 2022 - June

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.23.10.3 Aluminium Fastening Pattern TablesCorrected minimum depth of corrugated aluminium to 17 mm instead of 27 mm. Added H36 to the headings for correct identification and product selection.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation7. Minimum Roof Cladding PitchAdded corrugated profiles with a height of more than 35 mm to 7.1.1A Minimum Pitch for Generic Metal Roofing.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation8.38.4 Flashing CoverIncreased recommended cover for 8.4E Barge Flashing Cover — Trapezoidal and Secret Fixed and 8.4G Barge Flashing Cover — Corrugate Category C from 50 mm to 75 mm.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.415.4 Tray RoofingThe entire clause 15.4 Tray Roofing, including all sub-clauses, had been revised.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.4.315.4.1 Tray Roofing MaterialsThis sub-clause has been entirely revised as part of the revision of the main clause 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.2 Tray Roofing ProfilesNew clause, inserted as part of a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.5 Tray FixingsNew clause, inserted as part of a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.6 Standing Seam End LapsNew clause, added as part of the comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.7 SarkingNew clause, introduced as part of a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.8 Tray VentilationNew clause, introduced during a comprehensive review of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.9 Standing Seam Roofing Wind LoadsNew clause, introduced during comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.10 Penetrations on Tray RoofingNew clause, introduced during a comprehensive review of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.12 Canning and Purlin CreasingNew clause, introduced as part of a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted 15.4.13 Installing Tray CladdingNew clause, introduced as part of a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted Tray Cladding Set OutNew clause, introduced a during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted Provision for Expansion — Tray RoofingNew clause, introduced during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
4 - Clause Inserted19.119.9 2022 – JuneRevision message June – 2022.
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.183.10.1 G550 Steel Roof Fastening Pattern TablesEdited table headings for improved readability. Inserted a table explaining wind speed as per NZS 3604.
1 - Minor Errata9. Cricket Back CurbsGrammar fix. Rewrote the last sentence.
1 - Minor Errata17. Number of SpansClarification.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.1Self-Supporting CladdingClause removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. The subject is now discussed through various new sub-clauses.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2Fully Supported Roof And Wall CladdingClause removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. For information about the subject, see 15.4.7 Sarking.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.1TypesClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.2Traditional Architectural Metal PanelsClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.3Long Length Strip Roof CladdingClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.4Types Of JointsClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.5Standing SeamClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.6Angled SeamClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.7Roll CapClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.8Transverse LapsClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.1CopperClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. For information about this material, see 4.16.5 Copper.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.2ZincClause removed as part of the complete revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. For information about this material see 4.16.4 Zinc.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.3AluminiumClause removed as part of the complete revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. For information about this material see 4.16.3 Aluminium.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.4Stainless SteelClause removed as part of the complete revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. Information about this material can be found at 4.16.2 Stainless Steel.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.5Coated SteelClause removed as part of the revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing, information about this product is still available in 4.16.1 Steel.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4LoadingsClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4.1FixingClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4.2SubstrateClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4.3FastenersClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.5UnderlayClause removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. Information about underlay can be found in 10.11 Underlay.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.6VentilationClause removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. The subject is now discussed in 15.4.8 Tray Ventilation.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.7DrainageClause removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. For information about drainage, see 5 Roof Drainage .
0 - Clause Removed15.4.7.1ValleysClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.8Facade CladdingThis clause was removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. The subject is now discussed through various other sub-clauses.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9Edge FinishesThis clause was removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing, please see the new sub-clause 15.4.6 Standing Seam End Laps.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.1Ridge And HipClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.2Apron Or AbutmentClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.3Eaves And VergeClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.4PenetrationsClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.5CappingsClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10DurabilityClause removed during a comprehensive revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing. For durability issues, see 15.4.10 Durability.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10.1Patina FormationClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10.2Copper PatinationClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10.3Zinc PatinationClause removed as part of the overall revision of 15.4 Tray Roofing.

19.10 2022 – April 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 April 2022.

Change in recommendation:

4.9.1 Dissimilar Metals: Gutters and spouting made from materials which are incompatible with the roof cladding to include special provisions such as a gap between spouting and fascia, using leaf deflectors, and considering low fronted spouting.

Revised clauses:

  • 8.4 Flashing Cover: Revision of the minimum requirements for flashing cover in the Metal Roofing Code of Practice. Drawings have been updated and a category C added for SED Wind Zones up to 60 m/s on all pitches.
  • 10.10 Ventilation Pathways has completely revised for clarity. The revision includes a new recommendation to provide additional ventilation for trough or tray section roofs.

The rest of the updates consisted of minor changes, editing, and new drawings for 14 Installation, without any changes in recommendations.

19.10A Revision Detail - 2022 - April

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
3 - Substantial change to recommendation4.9.1, Dissimilar MetalsChange of recommendation for spouting and roof cladding made from incompatible material.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation8.38.4 Flashing CoverClause has been completely revised.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation10.110.10 Ventilation PathwaysClause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
1 - Minor Errata2.1, 2.12.1 DefinitionsAdded defintion for SED Wind Zone.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.15, 3.133.4 ProfilesInserted new Drawing: Profile Types –
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Gutter Capacity CalculatorEnabled Profile Description Field to describe product.
1 - Minor Errata5. Valley Capacity CalculatorStandardise internal structure - no user facing or operational changes.
1 - Minor Errata5. Downpipe Capacity CalculatorStandardise internal structure - no user facing or operational changes.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Maximum Area Above Spreader CalculatorEnabled Profile Description Field to describe product.
2 - Editing and rearrangement7. Maximum Run CalculatorEnabled Profile Description Field to describe product.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Flashing EdgesCopy moved from 8.4 Flashing Cover to this clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 8.4.1 Apron UpstandsNew clause created from 8.4 Flashing Cover.
4 - Clause Inserted 8.4.2 ClearancesNew clause created from 8.4 Flashing Cover.
4 - Clause Inserted 8.4.3 Ridging and Other Transverse FlashingsNew clause created from 8.4 Flashing Cover.
1 - Minor Errata8. Eaves FlashingCorrected reference typo E1/AS1 to E2/AS1.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Maximum Area Above Penetration CalculatorEnabled Profile Description Field to describe product.
1 - Minor Errata10. Fascia VentsGrammar fix.
4 - Clause Inserted Vented Soft EdgeNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10. Methods of VentilationClause renamed.
1 - Minor Errata10. BattensGrammatical fix for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted 10.10.3 Applied FleecesNew Clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. ScrewsUpdated drawings: 14.13.2D Screw Gauge and 14.13.2E Threads per Inch (TPI).
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.1614.16 Stop-endsDrawings updated: 14.16A Dog-eared Stop-ends, 14.16B Pull-up Stopends, and 14.16C Corrugate Stop-ends.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.1714.17 Turndowns (Drip Forming or Drip Edging) UPdated drawing: 14.17A Profile Turndown
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. Roof Cladding DamageDrawing updated: 14.19.1A Sealed and Riveted Saddle
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. UnloadingDrawing updated: 14.3.1A Sling with Spreader Bar.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.614.6 Walking On RoofsDrawings updated: 14.6A Walking in the Pan and 14.6B Spreading Weight over two Ribs.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.10 2022 – AprilRevision message – April 2022.

19.11 2021 – December 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 December 2021.

Summary of Changes in this update:

The rest of this update comprises minor edits and fixes.

19.11A Revision Detail - 2021 - December

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Corrugated Steel – 0.40Drawing edited to change C2 recommendation to stay below Very High.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3. Corrugated Steel – 0.55Changed recommendation for C2, to only be used below Very High Wind Zones.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation4. Solar Collectors and Other Roof Mounted StructuresClause has been completely revised.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation8.88.9 Compression TimberChanged recommended minimum moisture content to 12% following advice from Scion .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation12.112.1 Roof NoiseThis clause has been substatially revised. Some-subsections have been promoted to headings and some had been deleted a part of the revision.
4 - Clause Inserted 12.1.1 Wind NoiseNew clause, raised and revised from former sub-sub clause of Roof Noise.
4 - Clause Inserted 12.1.2 Precipitation NoiseNewly created clause from the revised Roof Noise.
4 - Clause Inserted 12.1.3 Thermal NoiseNew clause, information elevated from the revised Roof Noise.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.11 2021 – DecemberRevision message for the 1 December 2021 Update.
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Gutter Capacity CalculatorAll calculators now require input of both 50 year and 10 year ARI.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Valley Capacity CalculatorAll calculators now require input of both 50 year and 10 year ARI.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Downpipe Capacity CalculatorAll calculators now require input of both 50 year and 10 year ARI.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Maximum Area Above Spreader CalculatorAll calculators now require input of both 50 year and 10 year ARI.
2 - Editing and rearrangement7. Maximum Run CalculatorAll calculators now require input of both 50 year and 10 year ARI.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Maximum Area Above Penetration CalculatorAll calculators now require input of both 50 year and 10 year ARI.
1 - Minor Errata1.31.3 Standards and Related DocumentsFixed column spacing.
1 - Minor Errata2.12.1 DefinitionsClarified definitions for tray, trough, standing seam, and secret fixed profiles.
1 - Minor Errata3. Roof TrafficChanged "trademan" to trades people for gender neutrality.
1 - Minor Errata3.183.10.1 G550 Steel Roof Fastening Pattern TablesFixed grammar for consistency. Fixed drawings to show C2 fastening pattern.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4. Environmental GuidesEnvrinmental guides redone for improved display on all browers.
1 - Minor Errata15.115.1 Curved RoofsGrammar fix.
1 - Minor Errata16.816.8 Overpaintingslight formatting change for improved reading.

19.12 2021 – September 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 September 2021.

Summary of Changes in this update:

The rest of this update consisted of fixing minor errors.

19.12A Revision Detail - 2021 - September

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement 1 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
4 - Clause Inserted 3.10.1 G550 Steel Roof Fastening Pattern TablesNew clause aimed at easy reference of fastening patterns.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.10.3 Aluminium Fastening Pattern TablesNew clause for easy referencing of fastening patterns for aluminium cladding.
1 - Minor Errata 3.7.4 Roof TrafficChanged "tradesman" to trades people for gender neutrality.
1 - Minor Errata 3.6.2 Uniformly Distributed Load (Wind or Induced Action)Corrected spelling of "Uniformly. Included a full term before the abbreviation for UDL in the first sentence.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 5.4.3 Internal CornersClause moved from Valleys to Gutters.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation 5.4.7 Gutter Capacity CalculatorThe minimum Freeboard on internal gutter calculations has been changed to 30mm to align with E1/AS1 and E1/AS2.
1 - Minor Errata 5.5.2 Valley DesignInserted cross-reference link to Internal Corners.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.5.4 Intersecting ValleysNew clause showing the correct way to intersect valleys.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 5.8 Downpipe SpreadersReplaced Downpipe Spreader Design-drawing with a more detailed one.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation 9.1 Penetrations Minimum PitchRevised first sentence to make allowance for modern profiles and proprietary profiles.
4 - Clause Inserted 14.8 Double LappingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.12 2021 – SeptemberNew Revision clause

19.13 2021 – June 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 June 2021.

COP Clauses 11 Natural Light and 14 Installation were comprehensively reviewed and revised for this update. Users are advised to reread those clauses for the most up-to-date information and recommendations.

Other updates included minor fixes to grammar, layout, and updated drawings and dividing 4.9.4 Compatibility Table into smaller, more usable clauses (with no change to recommendations).

19.13A Revision Detail - 2021 - June

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
1 - Minor Errata3. Wind LoadSome rewording for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata4. Dissimilar MetalsEditing for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4. Compatibility TableThe clause was split for ease of use.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Allowance for Short-Term IntensitiesUpdated Short-term Intensity Factor Explanation.
1 - Minor Errata5. Valley DesignUPdated link to the Valley Capacity Calculator.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Eaves FlashingInserted a paragraph recommending eaves flashings in Marine Environments.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.910.9 Minimising Ingress of Water Vapour into the Ceiling CavityClause renamed and revised for clarity.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation1111 Natural LightCOP Clause 11.  Natural Light has been completely revised.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation11.111.1 Clause G7 NZBCCOP Clause 11. Natural Light has been entrile revised.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation11.211.2 Natural Light MaterialsCOP clause 11. Natural Light has been revised, which includes the clause previously titled "Materials".
0 - Clause Removed11.3Types Of Roof LightsThis clause was removed as part of an overall revision of COP clause 11. Natural Light. Illustration of different rooflights can be found in Thermal Expansion and
3 - Substantial change to recommendation11.411.5 Light TransmissionClause has been revised as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 11. Natural Light.
0 - Clause Removed11.5Weathering And DurabilityThis clause has been removed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 11. Natural Light. Information about translucent sheeting durability can now be found at Natural Light Performance - Durability,
3 - Substantial change to recommendation11.611.3 Performance – StructureClause renamed and content added.
2 - Editing and rearrangement11. Point Load on Translucent SheetsClause revised and renamed as part of the overall revision of COP Clause 11. Natural Light.
2 - Editing and rearrangement11. Distributed Loads on Translucent SheetingClause revised and renamed as part of the overall revision of COP Clause 11. Natural Light.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation11.711.4 Thermal ResistanceClause has been revised as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 11. Natural Light.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation1414 InstallationCOP Clause 14. Installation has been significantly reviewed and revised.
1 - Minor Errata14.114.11 OverhangDrawing tidy up.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.114.1 Pre- InstallationThis clause has been revised as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14. OrderingThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.2.314.2.3 TransportationThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.314.3 Accepting DeliveryThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14. UnloadingThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14. Wet Storage DamageThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.614.6 Walking On RoofsThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14. FootwearThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.714.7 Strippable FilmsThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
4 - Clause Inserted14. Storing Product with Strippable FilmThis clause has been removed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation. For handling and storage of products with strippable film, please see Strippable Films.
0 - Clause Removed14.7.2Using Strippable FilmThis clause has been removed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation. For using and handling products with strippable film, please see Strippable Films.
1 - Minor Errata14.914.10 Marking and CuttingThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. ScrewsAdded "Reduced Diameter Drill Point" to Screw Points. This clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
1 - Minor Errata14.12.314.13.3 Clip FastenersThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.12.414.13.4 RivetsThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
1 - Minor Errata14.1314.14 Fastener InstallationThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
4 - Clause Inserted14.1514.16 Stop-endsThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
1 - Minor Errata14.1614.17 Turndowns (Drip Forming or Drip Edging) This clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
1 - Minor Errata14.1814.19 Avoiding ProblemsThis clause has been renamed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14. Roof Cladding DamageThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14. Water PondingThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.18.314.19.3 Correctly Installed GuttersThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause .
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.18.414.19.4 Swarf DamageThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
0 - Clause Removed14.18.4.1Identifying Swarf StainsThis clause has been removed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14. Preventing Swarf DamageThis clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
0 - Clause Removed14.18.4.3Swarf Effect on PerformanceThis clause has been reviewed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation. For more information about swarf effects, please read Swarf Staining and Cut Edge Corrosion.
0 - Clause Removed14.18.4.4Repairing Swarf DamageThis clause has been reviewed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation. For more information about dealing with swarf, see Swarf Damage.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.18.514.19.5 Colour Matching PaintInserted picture. This clause has been reviewed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.18.714.19.7 SunscreenInserted photo of sunscreen damage. This clause has been reviewed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
0 - Clause Removed14.18.8Removing LichenThis clause has been removed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation. For information about Lichen, see Lichen.
0 - Clause Removed14.18.9Gutter InstallationThis clause has been removed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation. For Information about gutters, see  Gutters.
1 - Minor Errata14.1914.20 Fixing Aluminium SheetingGrammar fix. This clause has been reviewed as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
1 - Minor Errata14. Recommendations for Fixing AluminiumFixed a link.
4 - Clause Inserted 11.8 Flatsheet RooflightsNew clause created as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 11. Natural Light.
4 - Clause Inserted 14.12.2 Side LapsNew clause created as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.
4 - Clause Inserted 11.7 Stand-Alone RooflightsNew clause created as part of an overall revision of COP Clause 11. Natural Light.
4 - Clause Inserted 11.6 Installing Translucent SheetsNew clause under COP Clause 11. Natural Light.
4 - Clause Inserted  Natural Light Performance - DurabilityNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 11.1.1 ComplianceNew clause dealing with natural light and compliance to NZBC G7.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.13 2021 – JuneRevision message for the update on 1 June 2021.

19.14 2021 – March 

The addition of an interactive calculator for asymmetrical valleys constitutes the most important inclusion in this update.

The other capacity calculators have all been refined and positioned for improved usability.

In addition, various drawings have been updated for accuracy and correctness.

The rest of this update consisted of fixing minor errors and improvements for clarity.


19.14B Revision Detail - 2021 - March

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
1 - Minor Errata2.12.1 DefinitionsAdded definitions for Translucent, Transparent, Opalescent, and Opaque.
1 - Minor Errata3.133.4.5 Material GradeMinor revision for Aluminium.
0 - Clause Removed4.8Biological CorrosionClause removed. 4.8.4 Lichen is now in 4.8 Paint Durability, and 4.10.9 Gutter Leaf Guard is now in 4.10 Other Causes of Corrosion.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Valley Capacity CalculatorUpdated calculator to support Asymmetrical Valley calculations, including dynamic illustration.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Maximum Area Above Spreader CalculatorClause edited, new clause (Downpipe Spreaders) introduced with explanatory text about spreaders. Trapezoidal illustration updated to show effective pan-depth area.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.65.4.2 Gutter Capacity DesignClause renamed and moved to Types of Gutter.  
1 - Minor Errata5. Spouting Support SystemsClause moved to Gutter Installation and Maintenance.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.6.314.18.9 Gutter InstallationClause renamed and moved to Pre-empting Problems.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.7.15.8 Downpipe SpreadersPreviously removed clause, now reinstated and updated to align with the new Maximum Area Above Spreader Calculator.
1 - Minor Errata5. Gutter FallClause moved to Gutter Installation and Maintenance.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Downpipe Capacity CalculatorIllustration updated to show effective head.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.85.4.7 Gutter Capacity CalculatorRectangular Gutter illustration updated to show effective gutter area. Clause renamed to refine search results.
0 - Clause Removed6.2Acceptable Solution NZBC E2/AS1Clause removed as it pertains to E2, which is discussed in NZBC Clause E2 External Moisture (Extract).
2 - Editing and rearrangement6.2.16.2 ComplianceClause promoted, replacing ES/AS1 at postion 6.2, and content of clause reviewed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement7. Maximum Run CalculatorTrapezoidal illustration updated to show effective pan-depth area.
2 - Editing and rearrangement7.47.4 End LapsDrawing deleted, replaced with a reference to 14.12.1 Sealing End Laps.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8.78.8 Profile ClosuresClause revised. Recommendations have not changed. Drawings replaced with more accurate depictions.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Maximum Area Above Penetration CalculatorTrapezoidal illustration updated to show effective pan-depth area.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. Sealing End LapsDrawing replaced with with more accurate depiction of correctly and incorrectly sealed end laps.
1 - Minor Errata15. SubstrateRemoved empty link.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.14 2021 – MarchNew Revision clause.

19.15 2020 – December 

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 December 2020.

Summary of Changes in this update:

We introduced three more responsive tools to aid in roof drainage design. They are:

The rest of this update consisted of fixing minor errors and improvements for clarity.

19.15A Revision Detail - 2020 - December

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
1 - Minor Errata1.31.3 Standards and Related DocumentsClause renamed.
1 - Minor Errata4. Dissimilar MetalsFormatting fix.
1 - Minor Errata4. Compatibility TableRemoved reference to Butly Rubber into its own clause 4.9.3 Compatibility with Non-Metallic Substances.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4.124.11 Inert CatchmentInserted photo "Localised Damage due to Inert Catchment".
1 - Minor Errata5. Asymmetrical ValleysPunctuation fix.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Roof Drainage CapacityClause renamed to more accurately reflect its content.
4 - Clause Inserted5. Maximum Area Above Spreader CalculatorNew online tool for calculating maximum drainage areas for spreaders.
1 - Minor Errata5.55.4.2 Gutter Capacity DesignGrammar fix.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Rainfall IntensityRainfall intensity maps have been added to this clause. Links to rainfall maps have been included in the calculators.
1 - Minor Errata5. Allowance for Short-Term IntensitiesUpdated short-term intensity multiplication factors.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.75.4.7 Gutter Capacity CalculatorRenamed the clause. Other capacity calculators have been moved closer to the relevant information dealing with each topic.
0 - Clause Removed5.7.1North Island 50-year ARI, 10-minute Rainfall Intensity MapMap moved to 5.3.2 Rainfall Intensity.
0 - Clause Removed5.7.2South Island 50-year ARI, 10-minute Rainfall Intensity MapMap moved to 5.3.2 Rainfall Intensity.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation7. RunoffClause completely revised.
4 - Clause Inserted7. Maximum Run CalculatorNew online tool to calculate maximum run for drainage of different roofing profiles.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Eaves FlashingInserted a paragraph recommending eaves flashings in Marine Environments.
1 - Minor Errata9. Curb DesignIntroductory copy added.
4 - Clause Inserted9. Maximum Area Above Penetration CalculatorNew online tool for calculating the maximum area above a penetration.
1 - Minor Errata17. Site TestingUpdated the graph.
4 - Clause Inserted 4.9.3 Compatibility with Non-Metallic SubstancesA new clause, previously part of "4.10.3 Compatibility Table". Information was split since this is not part of the table or online tool.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.5.7 Valley Capacity CalculatorNew clause created for Valley Capacity Calculator. The calculator was previously part of Capacity Calculators.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.7.3 Downpipe Capacity CalculatorNew clause for Downpipe Capacity Calculators.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.15 2020 – DecemberNew clause showing updates effective on 1 December 2020.

19.16 2020 – September 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP) were published on 1 September 2020.

Summary of Changes in this update:

19.16A Revision Detail - 2020 - September

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsRevised definitions of Gutter and Valley.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4.24.2 Metal CorrosionAdded paragraph about salt contamination.
1 - Minor Errata5.75.4.7 Gutter Capacity CalculatorClarity improvement. Inserted the Comment: "Please read with Roof Drainage Design "
1 - Minor Errata9.39.3 Penetration Durability and CompatibilityRenamed clause to be more reflective of its content.
1 - Minor Errata12. Touch-UpChanged punctuation in heading for consistency.
2 - Editing and rearrangement15.215.2 Mounting Air Conditioning, Aerials, and Solar UnitsClause has been renamed and new copy included.
2 - Editing and rearrangement1717 Testing and MRM StandardsAdded introduction.
1 - Minor Errata18.618.6 VelocitiesRemoved extra heading.
1 - Minor Errata18.718.7 Cricket Penetration PatternsFixed headings.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.4 MRM Pre-Painted Coil Standard – Performance RequirementsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.4.1 Part1: ASNZS/2728:2013New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.4.2 Part 2: Additional CriteriaNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.4.3 CommentaryNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.4.4 Appendices of AS/NZS 2728:2013 included as Normative in the MRM StandardNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.4.5 Appendices of AS/NZS2728:2013 considered Informative in the MRM Standard:New clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.4.6 Copyright AcknowledgementNew clause.

19.17 2020 – June 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 June 2020.

New clauses:

The rest of this update consists of minor improvements, such as tidying up drawings and edits for clarity and grammar.

19.17A Revision Detail - 2020 - June

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Fastener PatternsFastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Steel Cladding Wind Load Span GraphsClause renamed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Corrugated Steel – 0.40Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Corrugated Steel – 0.55Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Trapezoidal Five Rib Steel – 0.40 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Trapezoidal Five Rib Steel – 0.55Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Trapezoidal Six Rib Steel – 0.40 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Trapezoidal Six Rib Steel – 0.55 Clause renamed and Fastener pattern illustrations updated for clarity - no change to intent.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.11.2 Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span GraphsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Corrugated Aluminium – 0.70 New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
4 - Clause Inserted Corrugated Aluminium – 0.90New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
4 - Clause Inserted Trapezoidal Five Rib Aluminium – 0.70New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
4 - Clause Inserted Trapezoidal Five Rib Aluminium – 0.90New Clause for Aluminium Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Rainfall IntensityClause had been completely revised, with updated Rainfall Intensity Maps at the end of the main Clause, Roof Drainage. 
1 - Minor Errata5. DurationReplaced comparison chart with a simplified one.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8.38.4 Flashing CoverAdded minimum flashing cover values for change of pitch junctions.
4 - Clause Inserted 17 Testing and MRM StandardsNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement1717.1 Metal Cladding TestingClause renamed.
1 - Minor Errata17. Allowance for VariationFixed "overall" to "over all"
4 - Clause Inserted 17.2 MRM Fastener Performance Requirements and TestingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.2.1 Requirements for Fastener TestingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.2.2 Test Panel RequirementsNew Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Test LocationNew Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Site OrientationNew Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Preparation of Test PanelNew Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.2.3 Fastener Performance TestingNew Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Site TestingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Field Performance ValidationNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Accelerated TestingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Fastener ShanksNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Sealing Washer ConductivityNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.2.4 AppearanceNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.2.5 WeatherproofingNew Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.2.6 Fastener Performance Test ReportNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.3 MRM Soft Edge StandardNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.3.1 Soft Edge Product Techincal Statement RequirementsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.17 2020 – JuneNew clause. Revision detail.
0 - Clause Removed5.5GuttersThe clause had been removed. Gutters are now discussed in more detail in a separate clause for each type, under the main clause Types of Gutter.

19.18 2020 – March 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 March 2020.

This update contains only minor revisions, mostly concerning grammar and punctuation fixes.

Editing and rearrangement for clarity

  • Corrected "upstand angles" of valleys to 90°, removed "Upstand Angles" from Internal Valley Angle Table.
  • Replaced Comparison of 10-Minute Published Intensity with 1-Minute and 2-Minute Intensities-chart with a simplified chart only showing comparison for 10-year and 50-year ARI.

19.18A Revision Detail - 2020 - March

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
1 - Minor Errata5.25.4 GuttersEasier to read layout options.
1 - Minor Errata5. External Gutters (Spouting)Grammar fix.
1 - Minor Errata5. Internal GuttersGrammar fix.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Valley DesignRemoved references to "Upstand Angle B" and replaced drawing "Common Valley Shapes"
1 - Minor Errata5. Asymmetrical ValleysPunctuation fix.
1 - Minor Errata5. Rainwater HeadsPunctuation fix.
1 - Minor Errata5. SumpsTypo fix.
1 - Minor Errata5.45.7 Outlets and DownpipesPunctuation fix.
1 - Minor Errata5.5.314.18.9 Gutter InstallationMinor Typo Fix.
1 - Minor Errata5. Gutter FallTypo fix.
1 - Minor Errata5. DurationReplaced comparison chart with a simplified one.
1 - Minor Errata8. Flashing ExpansionGrammar fix.


19.19 2019 – December 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 December 2019.

Major Revisions

  1. For this update, the COP section 5 Roof Drainage and all its sub-clauses have been substantially revised. The updates focussed heavily on creating new online tools for calculating Roof Drainage, Gutter Capacity, Downpipe Capacity and Valley Capacity, which are located in 5.4.7 Gutter Capacity Calculator.

Summary of other changes in this update

19.19A Revision Detail - 2019 - December

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement11 IntroductionUpdate Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsRevised definition of "Load Spreading Washer", added a new item "Profiled Washer", added definition for "Finial",  minor grammatical fixes.
2 - Editing and rearrangement55 Roof Drainage The entire Roof Drainage-clause had been revised.
1 - Minor Errata5.15.1 NZBC: Clause E1 — Surface WaterFormatting
4 - Clause Inserted 5.4 GuttersNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.4.1 External Gutters (Spouting)New clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Concealed Fascia GuttersThis clause had been completely revised and renamed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Internal GuttersClause completely revised.
4 - Clause Inserted Internal Gutter Design FeaturesNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.65.5 Valleys  Valleys had been completely revised and divided into smaller, more specific, sections.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.5.1 Valley FixingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.5.2 Valley DesignNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.4.3 Internal CornersNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Bifurcated ValleysThe clause had been revised. Valleys are now discussed in smaller, more specific, clauses.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.5.5 Changing Angles in ValleysNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.5.6 Asymmetrical ValleysNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 7.1.3 Roof Drainage CapacityNew clause.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5. Secret GuttersClause revised, for brevity and clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.6 Rainwater Heads, Sumps, and OverflowsNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Rainwater HeadsClause revised, now providing more information.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.85.6.2 SumpsThis clause has been revised.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. OverflowsClause renamed, Outlets are now discussed under Outlets and Downpipes.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.7 Outlets and DownpipesNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.7.1 Placement of DownpipesNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.7.2 Capacity Table for Common Size DownpipesNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Gutter Capacity DesignClause has been revised and edited.
4 - Clause Inserted Maximum Gutter LengthNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Spouting Support SystemsClause revised.
4 - Clause Inserted 14.18.9 Gutter InstallationNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.25.3 Roof Drainage DesignClause had been completely revised.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Catchment AreaCaluse has been completely revised. All calculations are now under a new clause Capacity Calculations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Gutter FallClause revised and renamed.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation5.35.3.2 Rainfall IntensityClause had been completely revised, with updated Rainfall Intensity Maps at the end of the main Clause, Roof Drainage. 
4 - Clause Inserted Allowance for Short-Term IntensitiesNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted DurationNew clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement5. Gutter Capacity CalculatorThe old clause, Capacity Calculations, replaced by a new clause of the same name but including new online tools.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.7.1 North Island 50-year ARI, 10-minute Rainfall Intensity MapNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 5.7.2 South Island 50-year ARI, 10-minute Rainfall Intensity MapNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted8.38.4 Flashing CoverAdjusted spacing in Table 8.3A
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Step ApronRemoved reference to "Fortress Fasteners" in drawing A:  Step Apron Details.
4 - Clause Inserted8. Eaves FlashingDrawing renamed to Gutter Flashing.
2 - Editing and rearrangement12.212.2 Purlin CreasingInserted photograph.
4 - Clause Inserted17. Point Load Testing StandardNew Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted17. Point Load TestingNew clause.
1 - Minor Errata18.818.8 Sheet Metal Work For Roofing Contractors.Clause revised for gender neutrality. No significant changes.
4 - Clause Inserted 19.19 2019 – DecemberSummary of Changes – December 2019
0 - Clause Removed5.3.2.1Method 1: Gutter and Downpipe Capacity Determined by GraphThese methods have been replaced by online capacity calculating tools.
0 - Clause Removed5.3.2.3Method 2: Gutter and Downpipe Capacity Determined by CalculationsThese methods have been replaced by online capacity calculating tools.
0 - Clause Removed5.3.3Roof Cladding CapacityThese methods have been replaced by online capacity calculating tools.
0 - Clause Removed5.4SnowClause removed, Snow and hail are comprehensively discussed in Snow Loads.
0 - Clause Removed5.4.1HailClause removed. Leaf guards and maintenance are discussed under Gutter Maintenance.
0 - Clause Removed5.5GuttersThe clause had been removed. Gutters are now discussed in more detail in a separate clause for each type, under the main clause Types of Gutter.
0 - Clause Removed5.5.3Eaves GuttersClause deleted. Now discussed under External Gutters.
0 - Clause Removed5.6.1Valley CatchmentThis clause had been replaced with the newly developed online tool in Valley Capacity Calculations.
0 - Clause Removed5.7DownpipesInformation previously contained in this clause is now discussed in Outlets and Downpipes.
Out-of-band updates 16/12/2019
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.4.2A5.7.2 Capacity Table for Common Size DownpipesRemoved obsolete column for Roof Area Drained as the online calculator replaces this.
2 - Editing and rearrangement5.75.4.7 Gutter Capacity CalculatorAdded link to Common Sized Downpipes.

19.20 2019 – August 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 August 2019.

Major Revisions

  1. The main clause 17.1 Metal Cladding Testing was substantially revised to give more practical guidance for testing in accordance with the NZ MRM Code of Practice.
  2. The main clause 13 Safety has been substantially revised and updated to closer reflect the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, referencing the documents Worksafe: Working on Roofs and Worksafe: Working at Height in New Zealand.
  3. The sub-clause 14.20A Fixing Aluminium  has been substantially revised to better reflect good trade practice and manufacturers’ recommendations.

Summary of other changes in this update


19.20A Revision Detail - 2019 - August

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
4 - Clause Inserted 19.20 2019 – AugustSummary of Changes – August 2019 
1 - Minor Errata10.510.5 Building AirtightnessMinor erata: changed 36.2  to 3602
0 - Clause Removed9.4Penetration PositioningClause is now included in Penetration Design.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9.59.4 Penetration DesignRevised clause. Penetration Positioning is now included in this clause.
1 - Minor Errata14.814.9 Setting Out Typo correction
4 - Clause Inserted9.69.5 Boot FlashingsChanged the word profile to profiles for consistency with the rest of the document.
4 - Clause Inserted Penetration Flashings ReferenceNew clause to compare penetration flashing options.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Under-Soaker Back FlashingsClause renamed for consistency.
1 - Minor Errata9. Cricket Back CurbsChanged kerb to curb for consistency.
1 - Minor Errata8.38.4 Flashing CoverCorrected a misprint, removed <20mm from aprons, category B.
1 - Minor Errata14.13.414.14.4 Fastener Allowance for ExpansionFixed 8 mm for style consistency.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. NailsPhoto of Nail Pull-Out inserted.
4 - Clause Inserted 14.20.1 Painted AluminiumNewly created clause dealing with Painted Aluminum products
4 - Clause Inserted 14.20.2 Recommendations for Fixing AluminiumNewly created clause setting out COP recommendations for fixing aluminium claddding.
0 - Clause Removed13Site PracticeClause removed. Topics previously discussed in Site Practice is now dealt with in more detail in various clauses under Installation.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation13.113 SafetySafety has been updated in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA 2015).
3 - Substantial change to recommendation13.1.113.2 ResponsibilitiesClause updated in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation13.1.713.4.1 ScaffoldingClause has been substantially revised in accordance with Worksafe: Working at height in New Zealand.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation13.1.1013.4.3 Safety MeshThis clause has been substantially revised in accordance with Worksafe: Working at Height in New Zealand. 
4 - Clause Inserted 13.4.6 Safety HarnessNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.4.7 Soft Landing SystemsNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.2114.22 Tools Of The TradePicture added: Turn Up and Turn Down Tools.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Over-Flashed (Watershed) Back FlashingsClause has been renamed.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.2TrainingClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.5Limitations Of Fall Arrest And Travel RestraintClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.4Residential And Light Commercial RoofingClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.13Roof Access During ConstructionClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.12Joining Safety MeshClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.11Steel FixingClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.9Personal SafetyClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.8Mobile ScaffoldsClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
0 - Clause Removed13.1.6AccessClause removed. Whole main clause (Safety) has been substantially revised in accordance with HSWA 2015 and Worksafe guidelines.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.4.5 Mechanical Access PlantNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.4.4 Safety NettingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.3.3 Weather ConditionsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.3.2 Assessment of Existing Roof CladdingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.3.1 Safe Access to RoofsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.3 Working on RoofsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Other People's ResponsibilitiesNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.2.4 Other PeopleNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.2.1 PCBUNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Workers' ResponsibilitiesNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.2.3 WorkersNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Officer ResponsibilitiesNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 13.2.2 OfficersNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted PCBU ResponsibilitiesNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted9. Penetration Flashings on Corrugated ProfilesThis clause has been revised and renamed to specifically show sheetmetal flashings on corrugated profiles.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.15.4 Standing SeamNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 3.4.4 Secret-fixed ProfilesNew clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. Wet Storage DamageRemoved reference to "Fretting".
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsUpdated Glossary item: "Fretting"
2 - Editing and rearrangement4.124.11 Inert CatchmentInserted photo "Localised Damage due to Inert Catchment".
1 - Minor Errata14.414.4 Site SafetyFixed link: Safety
1 - Minor Errata14.514.5 HandlingMinor grammatical fix.
1 - Minor Errata14. Storing Product with Strippable FilmGrammar fix.
1 - Minor Errata14. Using Strippable FilmGrammar fix.
1 - Minor Errata14.114.11 OverhangDrawing tidy up.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.1 Metal Cladding TestingNew Clause, to replace Testing.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.1.1 Standards: AS Standards and COP Testing StandardNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.1.2 Test RequirementsNew Clause
4 - Clause Inserted Supporting Structure and EquipmentNew Clause
4 - Clause Inserted Test Set-upNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Number of SpecimensNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Width of SpecimenNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Number of SpansNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.1.3 Testing ProcedureNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted UDL TestingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.1.5 Publishing ResultsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Allowance for VariationNew clause.
0 - Clause Removed17TestingThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.2Background to ScopeThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.1ScopeThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.3General Methods Of Testing Sheet Roof And Wall CladdingThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.4Commentary On 16.3The entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.5Determining Wind load Span GraphsThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.6Specific Methods Of Testing Sheet Roof And Wall CladdingThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.7Wind and Point Load TestingThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.8Method: Resistance To Wind Pressures For New ZealandThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
0 - Clause Removed17.9Background to wind load testingThe entire clause Testing has been substantially revised and published as Structural Testing to give better guidance on testing according to the Code of Practice Standards.
4 - Clause Inserted Interpreting Point Load ResultsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Point Load TestingNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted UDL Load Testing StandardNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Cricket Over-Flashing More Than 1 m WideNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 9.4.3 Dormer DetailsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Point Load Testing StandardNew Clause.
1 - Minor Errata14. OrderingPunctuation fix.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation13. Roof Edge ProtectionClause has been substantially revised in accordance with Worksafe: Working at Height in New Zealand.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation13.1.313.4 Working At HeightClause has been substantially revised in accordance with the HSWA 2015.  
4 - Clause Inserted Penetration Flashings on Trapezoidal ProfilesNew clause, specifically showing penetration flashings on trapezoidal profiles.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation14.1914.20 Fixing Aluminium SheetingSection comprehensively revised to better reflect good trade practice and Manufacturer’s recommendations.
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.153.4 ProfilesInserted new Drawing: Profile Types
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Trapezoidal ProfileRemoved drawing in favour of a more descriptive drawing: Profile Types.
4 - Clause Inserted9. Penetration Back FlashingsTable removed.
4 - Clause Inserted 17.1.4 Test ReportNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Interpreting UDL Load ResultsNew clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Point Load TestingNew clause.

19.21 2019 – May 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), are effective 1 May 2019.

Important updates:

The main clause Roof Ventilation was renamed 10 Internal Moisture and completely revised and updated. The revised clause recommends designing and installing roof cladding to allow natural ventilation in residential buildings and requires design to enable ventilation in skillion, sarked, and low-pitched residential roofs.


Summary of other changes in this update

  • The main clause 14 Installation was revised and updated for clarity.
  • Some clauses from 13 Site Practice were moved to be included in the more relevant clause Installation. Site Practice now contains mainly 13 Safety.
  • Some clauses in 17 Testing were renamed and renumbered to fix broken links and reflect content more accurately. A major revision of 17 Testing is underway. 
  • Other changes are Category 1 updates, which fixed minor errata such as grammar, spelling, and layout.

19.21A Revision Detail - 2019 - May

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement2.12.1 DefinitionsUpdated Glossary to include the terms: "Square Stopping".
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Load DistributionMinor edit to drawing ( Deflection and the Square of Depth )
1 - Minor Errata3. Steel Purlins Edited for Consistency – changed 1.1 mm to 1 mm.
1 - Minor Errata4.14.1 NZBC Clause B2 (Extract)Revised for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata4. B2 ObjectiveReformatting
1 - Minor Errata4. B2 Functional RequirementsReformatting
1 - Minor Errata4. Performance RequirementsReformatting
2 - Editing and rearrangement4. Capillary ActionChanged minimum cover in 4.10.6B Roofing Sheet End Lap to closer reflect MRM recommendations and renamed the drawing.
1 - Minor Errata5. Method 2: Gutter and Downpipe Capacity Determined by CalculationsFixed broken link to E Standard Gutter Capacity and F Standard Down Pipe Capacity, and rewrote link copy for greater clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement8. Flashing ExpansionFirst line revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement1010 Internal MoistureClause renamed to Internal Moisture.


Clause revised for clarity.


2 - Editing and rearrangement10.110.9 Minimising Ingress of Water Vapour into the Ceiling CavityClause renamed and revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted10. E3 ObjectiveNew Clause
4 - Clause Inserted10. E3 Functional RequirementsNew Clause created
4 - Clause Inserted10.1.310.1.3 E3 Performance RequirementsNew clause created.
4 - Clause Inserted10.210.2 Why Manage Internal MoistureNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.410.3 Special RequirementsClause revised for clarity and relevance.
0 - Clause Removed10.410.4 The External EnvironmentClause removed, information has been revised and moved to other main clauses.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.510.4 CondensationClause completely rewritten.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.610.5 Building AirtightnessClause completely rewritten.
0 - Clause Removed10. Natural VentilationClause removed. New drawings used in more relevant clauses.
4 - Clause Inserted10.710.6 InsulationNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted10. Insulation PositionNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted10. Other InsulationNewly created clause
0 - Clause Removed10. Direction of LayClause delted. Information is now discussed in Horizontal laying and Vertical laying.
0 - Clause Removed10.7.510.7.5 Non-Residential BuildingsClause removed. Information is discussed elsewhere.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.810.7 ClimateClause revised for clarity.
0 - Clause Removed10.810.8 Wall UnderlayClause removed and content discussed i other relevant clauses.
4 - Clause Inserted10. HumidityRelative humidity (RH, given in per cent [%]), is the most widely known method: It gives the content of water vapour in the air relative to the maximum amount of water this parcel of air can hold at its present temperature.


Other measures are absolute humidity and water vapour pressure.

2 - Editing and rearrangement10.910.8 Moisture SourcesRenamed and revised clause for clarity. Lead clause for various "Sources of Internal Moisture"
4 - Clause Inserted10. Occupant BehaviourNewly created clause, combining new information with some from revised "Managing Water Vapout at the Source" (renamed Sources of Internal Moisture).
4 - Clause Inserted10. HeatingNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.9.410.8.4 Construction MoistureClause revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted10.9.510.8.5 Ground MoistureNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.1110.10 Ventilation PathwaysClause revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted10. Methods of VentilationNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted10. Soffit VentsNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted10. Fascia VentsNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted10.11.1.310.10.1.3 Ridge VentsClause renamed and revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.11.1.410.10.1.5 Turbine VentsClause revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted10. BattensNewly Created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.1210.11 UnderlayClause revised and expanded for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted10. Underlay RequirementsNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10. Types Of UnderlayClause revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted10.12.310.11.3 Underlay UsageClause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.12.410.11.4 Underlay DurabilityClause revised and expanded.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.12.510.11.5 Installing UnderlayClause revised and expanded.
4 - Clause Inserted10. Horizontal LayingNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted10. Vertical LayingNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.12.5.310.11.5.3 Underlay SupportClause revised.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.1310.12 Additional InformationClause renamed to Additional Information.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10. Cold RoofsClause revied for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10. Warm RoofsClause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.13.310.12.3 Night Sky RadiationClause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement10.13.410.12.4 The Mechanics of CondensationClause revised and renamed, it is now: The Mechanics of Condesation.
4 - Clause Inserted10.13.510.12.5 Underlay StandardsNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted10.13.610.12.6 Relative HumidityNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted10.13.710.12.7 Absolute HumidityNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted10.13.810.12.8 Water Vapour PressureNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement13.213.1.13 Roof Access During ConstructionClause movved to 13 Safety
0 - Clause Removed13.413.4 Acceptance Of Materialsclass="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id">
0 - Clause Removed13. Presence Of Moisture Between SheetsClause combined with 14.3.2 Wet Storage Damage
0 - Clause Removed13. Colour MatchClause combined with 14.19.5 Colour Matching Paint
0 - Clause Removed13.4.313.4.3 Storage StainClause removed.
0 - Clause Removed13.513.5 Roof LoadingClause combined with 14.3.1 Unloading
2 - Editing and rearrangement1414 InstallationClause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.114.1 Pre- InstallationClause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.114.11 OverhangClause revised for clarity
0 - Clause Removed14.114.10 Metal Roof DefectsClause removed. See 14.19.1 Roof Cladding Damage
0 - Clause Removed14.1.514.1.5 Cutting And DrillingClause deleted. Information was spread through other clauses, mainly Repairing Swarf Damage
4 - Clause Inserted14.214.2 Product SelectionNewly Created Clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.214.21 CompletionClause revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted14. MeasuringNewly created clause
0 - Clause Removed14. Swarf Removalclause removed, subject is now discussed in Preventing Swarf Damage.
4 - Clause Inserted14. OrderingNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.2.314.2.3 TransportationClause revised for clarity and moved to 14 Installation.
4 - Clause Inserted14.314.3 Accepting DeliveryNew created clause, combining Acceptance of Materials, previously in Site Practice.
4 - Clause Inserted14. UnloadingNewly created clause
0 - Clause Removed14. Primary FastenersClause removed. Information is now discussed in various shorter and newly created clauses.
4 - Clause Inserted14. Wet Storage DamageNewly created clause
014.414.4 Secondary Fastenersclass="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id">
0 - Clause Removed14. Monel Rivetsclause removed, information is now discussed in other clauses.
0 - Clause Removed14.4.314.4.3 Aluminium RivetsClause removed, information now in 14.13.4 Rivets
0 - Clause Removed14.4.414.4.4 Stainless Steel RivetsClause deleted. See 14.13.4 Rivets
0 - Clause Removed14.4.614.4.6 Fastener FrequencyClause removed. See 14.14.1 Fastener Spacing
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.514.5 HandlingClause revised for clarity and moved to Installation.
0 - Clause Removed14. Pan FixingClause Removed. See 14.13.2 Screws
0 - Clause Removed14.5.314.5.3 Expansion FixingsClause removed. See 14.14.4 Fastener Allowance for Expansion
0 - Clause Removed14.5.414.5.4 Lap StitchingClause removed. Information absorbed in other clauses.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.614.6 Walking On RoofsClause revised for clarity and moved to 14 Installation.
0 - Clause Removed14.614.6 InstallationEmpty heading removed. See 14.14 Fastener Installation.
4 - Clause Inserted14. FootwearNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.714.7 Strippable FilmsClause revied for clarity.
0 - Clause Removed14.714.7 Re-RoofingClause removed. Information absorbed in other clauses.
4 - Clause Inserted14. Storing Product with Strippable FilmNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.814.9 Setting Out Clause revised for clarity.
0 - Clause Removed14. Side Lap Fixing Between PurlinsClause removed.
0 - Clause Removed14.8.614.8.6 Purlin Protectionclause removed
0 - Clause Removed14.8.714.8.7 DrainageClause removed
0 - Clause Removed14.8.814.8.8 CondensationClause removed.
4 - Clause Inserted14.914.10 Marking and CuttingNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.1114.12 Sealing and JoiningClause revised for clarity
4 - Clause Inserted14. Sealing End LapsNewly created clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.1214.13 FastenersClause revised for clarity. Nailsclass="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id">
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. ScrewsClause revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted14.12.314.13.3 Clip FastenersNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.12.414.13.4 RivetsClause revised for clarity
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.1314.14 Fastener InstallationClause renamed and revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. Fastener SpacingNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14. Fastener PlacementNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14.13.314.14.3 Fastener SeatingNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14.13.414.14.4 Fastener Allowance for ExpansionNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14.1414.15 Modes Of Fastener FailureClause revised for clarity
4 - Clause Inserted14.1514.16 Stop-endsClause revised for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.1614.17 Turndowns (Drip Forming or Drip Edging) Clause revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted14.1714.18 Soft edging and FlashingNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14.1814.19 Avoiding ProblemsNewly created clause heading
2 - Editing and rearrangement14. Roof Cladding DamageClause revised for clarity and moved to 14 Installation
4 - Clause Inserted14. Water PondingNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14.18.314.19.3 Correctly Installed GuttersNewly created clause
014.18.414.19.4 Swarf Damageclass="views-field views-field-field-revision-message-revision-id">
4 - Clause Inserted14. Identifying Swarf StainsNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14. Preventing Swarf DamageNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14.18.4.314.18.4.3 Swarf Effect on PerformanceNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.18.4.414.18.4.4 Repairing Swarf DamageClause revised for clarity and renamed.
4 - Clause Inserted14.18.4.514.19.4.2 Severe or Extensive Swarf StainingNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted14.18.514.19.5 Colour Matching PaintNewly created clause
4 - Clause Inserted14.18.614.19.6 Field PaintingNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted14.18.714.19.7 SunscreenNewly created clause.
4 - Clause Inserted14.18.814.18.8 Removing LichenNewly created clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement14.2114.22 Tools Of The TradeClaused revised for clarity.
4 - Clause Inserted14. SpacingClause removed. See 14.14.1 Fastener Spacing
4 - Clause Inserted14. Crest FixingClause removed. See 14.13.2 Screws
4 - Clause Inserted14.2314.6.2 ToolsClause removed. See 14.13.2 Screws
4 - Clause Inserted14.2414.8 Translucent SheetingClause removed.
4 - Clause Inserted14. Side-Lap FixingClause removed.
4 - Clause Inserted14. End LapsClause deleted.
4 - Clause Inserted14.24.314.8.4 Midspan SupportsClause removed
4 - Clause Inserted14.24.414.8.5 StopendsClause removed.
4 - Clause Inserted14.24.514.8.9 PitchClause removed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement1717 TestingEdited for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement17.117.1 ScopeClause revised for clarity
1 - Minor Errata17. Resistance to point loadFixed typos – "serviceability" and "strength".
2 - Editing and rearrangement17.217.2 Background to ScopeHeading changed from "Commentary on 16.1" and clause revised for clarity and brevity.
4 - Clause Inserted17.417.4 Commentary On 16.3Clause removed
2 - Editing and rearrangement17.517.5 Determining Wind load Span GraphsMinor grammatical edits and clause renamed to "Determining Wind Load Span Graphs" to avoid confusion with 3.11.1 Steel Cladding Wind Load Span Graphs.
1 - Minor Errata17.617.6 Specific Methods Of Testing Sheet Roof And Wall CladdingClause moved (renumbered) to follow 17.7 Wind and Point Load Testing.
4 - Clause Inserted17. Commentary On Section 15.5Clause Removed. 17 Testing to undergo major revision.
2 - Editing and rearrangement17.917.9 Background to wind load testingRenamed "Clause from Commentary on 16.6".

19.22 2019 – February 

The following updates to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), is effective 1 February 2019.

In this update, no recommendations have been altered that would require changes to existing projects in progress.

Summary of Changes in this Update


CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement3. Screw FastenersClauses dealing with fixing to specific purlin types re-ordered for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata3. Corrugate ProfileMinor grammatical editing for clarity.
1 - Minor Errata3. Maximum Spans and Fastening Pattern for Corrugate Wall CladdingHeading says 0.40 mm but Table is .40 and .55.  So remove .40 from heading
1 - Minor Errata4. Assessment of Marine EnvironmentsRemoved full stop from the heading.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4. LichenResized photo (4.8.4A Lichen on a Metal Roof
) and inserted photo (4.8.4B Permanent Damage from Lichen Growth.
2 - Editing and rearrangement4.154.14 Swarf Staining and Cut Edge CorrosionRenamed clause. Resized photos and inserted new photo ( 4.14D Cut Edge Corrosion )
1 - Minor Errata4. Aluminiumfixed spelling of "quaters" to quarters
1 - Minor Errata4. Top Coat and Backer0
1 - Minor Errata5. Catchment AreaRemoved (Optional Caption) from A Wind-effect on Rain
1 - Minor Errata6. E2 ObjectiveSet format as Block Quote
1 - Minor Errata6. E2 Functional RequirementFormat as block Quote.
1 - Minor Errata6.36.3 Related TopicsChanged link "Internal Moisture" to "Roof Ventilation.
2 - Editing and rearrangement9. Penetration Flashings on Corrugated ProfilesRevised and renamed clause.
1 - Minor Errata14. Crest FixingCorrected minimum embedment into soft wood from 35mm to 30mm aligning with E2/AS1 and other reference in 3.8.3 Timber Purlins

19.23 2018 – November 

The NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), has been updated effective 1 November 2018.

In this Update no recommendations have been altered that would require changes to existing projects in progress

Summary of Changes in this Update

  • The previous External Moisture, Flashings and Penetrations sections have been updated to closer reflect the requirements of NZBC Clause E2 – External Moisture.
    All clauses and sub-clauses in these sections have been substantially revised and drawings updated to show details more clearly.

  •  Other updates consist of Category 1 – minor errata corrections to spelling, and grammar and layout.


Category Clause Number (at time of update) Clause (As of current publication) Details
2 - Editing and rearrangement 4.5.2 4.5.2 Sea Spray Moved copy dealing with corrosion from "Eaves Flashing" to "Sea Spray".
1 - Minor Errata 4.11.8 4.10.8 Microcracking Correction to comparative scale of illustrations
0 - Clause Removed 6.1.1 7.1.1 Conduction  
4 - Clause Inserted 6.1.1 6.1.1 E2 Objective E2 Objective under NZBC Clause E2 (Extract)
4 - Clause Inserted 6.1.2 6.1.2 E2 Functional Requirement New clause to follow E2 Objective.
4 - Clause Inserted 6.1.3 6.1.3 E2 Performance Requirements New clause to follow "Functional Requirement".
0 - Clause Removed 6.1 7.1 Heat Clause removed, see 7.3 Thermal Expansion And Contraction.
4 - Clause Inserted 6.1 6.1 NZBC Clause E2 External Moisture (Extract) New Clause under External Moisture — General.
4 - Clause Inserted 6.2.1 6.2 Compliance New 2nd level clause to follow "Acceptable Solution NZBC E2/AS1"
0 - Clause Removed Profile Strength Subject now discussed in 7.3 Thermal Expansion And Contraction.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.10 Flashing Expansion Details Completely revised clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.10.2 Building Expansion Joints Clause duplicated.
4 - Clause Inserted 6.2 6.2 Acceptable Solution NZBC E2/AS1 New 2nd level clause to follow "Limits on Applications. "
0 - Clause Removed 6.3 8.15 Sealing Washers  
4 - Clause Inserted 6.3 6.3 Related Topics New 1st level heading under "External Moisture — General"
3 - Substantial change to recommendation 6.5.2 7.1.2 Runoff Clause completely revised.
0 - Clause Removed 6.5.3 7.2.3 Snow Clause removed, combined with 5.4 Snow.
0 - Clause Removed 6.5.4 7.2.4 Hail Clause removed combined with 5.4.1 Hail.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 6 6 External Moisture Overview Clause completely revised to reflect all four COP clauses dealing with E2 External Moisture.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation 7.1.1 7.1.1 Minimum Roof Cladding Pitch Clause completely revised.
0 - Clause Removed 7.1 7.1 Radiation  
0 - Clause Removed 7.1 8.1 Purpose Clause removed, included in 8 External Moisture Flashings.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.2.1 8.1.1 Flashing Durability Completely revised and renamed clause renamed (previously "compatibility").
0 - Clause Removed 7.2 7.2 Convection  
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.2 7.1 Roof Pitch Clause completely revised. To be the first sub-clause under External Moisture — Cladding.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.2 8.1 Flashing Materials Completely revised clause
4 - Clause Inserted 7.2 7.2 Fastening Roofing New sub-clause to be inserted at the end of Roof Pitch under External Moisture — Cladding.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation 7.3.1 7.3.1 Temperature Range Completely Revised and rewritten. To follow "Thermal Expansion and Contraction" under the new level 1 Clause: "Cladding"
4 - Clause Inserted 7.3.1 8.4.4 Flashing Laps Completely revised and shortened clause.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation 7.3.2 7.3.2 Roof Cladding Expansion Provisions Completely Revised and Rewritten. To follow "Steel Cladding Temperature Ranges" in "Thermal expansion and Contraction" under new Level 1 Clause: "Cladding".
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.3 7.3 Thermal Expansion And Contraction Completely revised and redone. To be moved under new level 1 Clause: External Moisture Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed Ridge - Hip Intersections Clause incorporated into 8.5.1 Ridge and Hip Intersections.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.4.2 8.5.3 Barge And Verge Completely revised clause.
0 - Clause Removed Internal Barge Flashing Incorporated into parent clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement Ridge – barge Intersections Completely revised clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.4.4 8.5.5 Apron Flashings Completely revised clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement Parapet And Apron Capping Terminations Completely revised clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement Step Apron Completely revised clause. Drawings updated.
2 - Editing and rearrangement Eaves Flashing Completely revised and renamed clause. (Previously "Gutter Apron"). Drawing updated.
0 - Clause Removed 7.4.5 8.6.5 Valley Flashings Clause removed. Valleys are discussed in "Roof Drainage".
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.4.6 8.5.6 Curved Flashings Completely revised clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement Lockseamed Flashings Revised clause. Information added.
0 - Clause Removed Jennied Flashings Clause removed — all references to "jennying" has been removed from "Flashings".
4 - Clause Inserted Crimped Flashings New clause under 8.5.6 Curved Flashings.
0 - Clause Removed 7.4.7 8.6.7 Soffit Flashings Clause removed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.4 7.4 End Laps Clause completely revised.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.4 8.5 Flashing Types The last line edited.
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.1 8.12.1 Unpainted Metal Cladding Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.2 8.12.2 Ventilation and Cavities Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.3 8.12.3 Window and Door Flashings in Metal Cladding  
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.4 8.12.4 Horizontal Metal Cladding  
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.5 8.12.5 General Principles  
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.6 8.12.6 Flush Window Flashings Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.7 8.12.7 Recessed Window Flashings Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.8 8.12.8 Butt Window Flashings Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.9 8.12.9 Flashings For Vertical Cladding  
0 - Clause Removed 7.5.10 8.12.10 Alternative Flashing Designs  
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.5 8.11 Metal Wall Cladding Flashings Completely revised and renamed clause.
0 - Clause Removed 7.6 8.13 Flashings For Vertical Cladding Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.7 8.14 Flashings For Horizontal Corrugate Cladding Clause Removed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.8.1 8.6.1 Primary Fasteners Completely revised and shortened clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.8.2 8.6.2 Secondary Fasteners Completely revised clause.
0 - Clause Removed 7.8.3 8.7.3 Secret Fixing Clips Clause deleted.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.8.4 8.6.3 Flashing Cleats  
4 - Clause Inserted 7.8.5 8.6.4 Seams Split the drawing into eight individual drawings, for improved layout.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.8 8.6 Fastening Flashings Clause renamed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.9.1 8.8.1 Properties Clause removed. Discussed in 8.7 Sealants.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.9.2 8.7.1 Methods Of Sealing Revised clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.9.3 8.7.2 Surface Preparation Clause shortened.
0 - Clause Removed 7.9.5 8.8.5 Sealed Laps Clause removed see: A Sealed End Lap.
0 - Clause Removed 7.9.6 8.8.6 Strip Sealants Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 7.9.7 8.8.7 Soldered Joints Clause Removed.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.9 8.7 Sealants Completely revised clause.
0 - Clause Removed 7.10.1 8.9.1 Vented Fillers  
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7.10.2 8.8.1 Soft Edging Revised and renamed clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 7 8 External Moisture Flashings Completely revised clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 7 7 External Moisture Roofing New Level 1 clause.
0 - Clause Removed 8.1 9.1 General Clause removed. General discussion incorporated in the introduction.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.2.1 9.2 Additional Support Completely revised and renamed clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.2.2 9.3 Penetration Durability and Compatibility Completely revised and renamed clause.
0 - Clause Removed 8.2.3 9.5 Corrosion Incorporated into "9.3 Penetration Durability and Compatibility".
0 - Clause Removed 8.2.4 9.5.1 Catchment Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 8.2.5 9.5.2 Obstruction Clause removed.
0 - Clause Removed 8.2.6 9.5.3 Discharge Capacity Clause removed, see 
0 - Clause Removed 8.2.7 9.5.4 Sealing Clause removed. (Information is repeated in 8 External Moisture Flashings)
0 - Clause Removed 8.2.8 9.5.5 Alternative Materials Clause removed, see 8.8.1 Soft Edging.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.2 8.2 Flashing Design Completely revised and shortened clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.2 9.1 Penetrations Minimum Pitch Completely revised and renamed clause.
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.1 9.7.6 Nomenclature Clause removed. More details added in 9.4 Penetration Design.
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.2 9.7.7 Diverter Or Cricket Designs Clause removed in favour of more detailed drawings in Penetration Flashing Design.
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.3 9.7.8 Penetration Flashing Installation Clause removed in favour of more detailed drawings in "Penetration Flashing Design".
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.4 9.7.9 Laps Clause removed, see 7.4 End Laps.
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.5 9.7.10 Details Clause removed. See Penetration Flashings on Corrugated Profiles.
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.7 9.7.11 Type A Soaker  
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.8 9.7.12 Type B Watershed Clause removed. New Details available.
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.9 9.7.13 Type C Tapered Clause removed. New flashing details provided.
0 - Clause Removed 8.3.10 9.7.14 Type D Tray Clause removed. New Flashing details provided elsewhere.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.3 8.4 Flashing Cover Completely revised clause. Drawings updated for clarity.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.3 9.4 Penetration Design Revised clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.4.1 Plant Room And Conduit Penetrations Completely revised clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.4 8.2.1 Flashing Edges Completely revised clause. Drawings updated.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.5.1 8.5.1 Ridge and Hip Intersections Completely revised clause.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.5.3 8.5.4 Parapet Cappings Completely revised clause.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation Change Of Pitch Completely revised clause. Drawings updated.
0 - Clause Removed 8.5 9.9 Dormer Junctions Clause removed.
4 - Clause Inserted 8.7.3 8.7.3 Sealant Extrusion And Placement Updated drawing: "Applying Sealant".
4 - Clause Inserted 8.8.2 8.8.2 Notched Edging New Clause to follow "Soft Edging", under "Profile Closures". 
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8.8 8.8 Profile Closures Completely revised clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 8.9 8.9 Compression Timber Inserted new clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 8.32 19.23 2018 – November November Update Message added
2 - Editing and rearrangement 8 9 External Moisture Penetrations Completely revised and renamed clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 9.3 9.2.1 Penetrations Safety New sub-clause under "Additional Support".
4 - Clause Inserted 9.5.1 9.4 Penetration Positioning New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 9.5.2 9.4.1 Penetration Back Flashings New Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 9.5.3 Over-Flashed (Watershed) Back Flashings New Clause
4 - Clause Inserted 9.5.4 Under-Soaker Back Flashings New Clause
4 - Clause Inserted 9.5.5 9.4.2 Curb Design New Level 2 Clause.
4 - Clause Inserted Level Back Curbs New level 3 Clause under 9.4.2 Curb Design.
4 - Clause Inserted Arrowhead Back Curbs New 3rd level clause under 9.4.2 Curb Design.
4 - Clause Inserted Cricket Back Curbs New level 3 Clause under 9.4.2 Curb Design.
2 - Editing and rearrangement 9.5.6 Penetration Flashings on Corrugated Profiles Revised and renamed clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 9.6.1 9.5.1 Boot Flashings to an Over Flashing New Clause
4 - Clause Inserted 9.6.2 9.5.2 Other Applications for Boot Flashings New Clause
4 - Clause Inserted Mechanical Services New clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement 9.6 9.5 Boot Flashings Revised and renamed clause.
4 - Clause Inserted 9.7 9.5.3 Flush Penetrations New clause
2 - Editing and rearrangement 16.7 17.7 Wind and Point Load Testing  


19.24 2018 – October 

The NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code Practice (COP), has been updated effective 1 October 2018.

Summary of Changes in this Update

In this update there are Category 1 - Minor Errata corrections only, for spelling and grammar - no clauses have been substantially revised, nor any recommendations altered.


19.24A Revision Detail - 2018 - October

CategoryClause Number
(at time of update)
(As of current publication)
1 - Minor Errata1. Mediation1. Inserted "a" before settlement. 2.Corrected spelling of "available" in the second paragraph.
1 - Minor Errata2.12.1 DefinitionsGeneral tidy up; Fix spelling: Intersection, surface, heights, dewpoint, six-sided, practitioners, seashore, rainwater, coatings, trademark, components, electromagnetic, skylight, sawtooth, embedded, cross-section, violently, stop end, fibreglass, change. Changed: Low Pitched 15° to 10°, and Pitch Roof 15° to 10°. Remove some extra spaces. Removed some commas. Inserted comma. Changed "newton" to "Newton". Reworked Pop Rivet definition. Removed semi-colon. UPdated "boot Flashings.
1 - Minor Errata3. Section PropertiesMoved paragraph: "Symmetrical corrugate or trapezoidal profiles have the advantage of being more easily curved around a radius. Because the ribs are necessarily close together, they have the disadvantage of roof traffic loads having to be spread over two crests or along the purlin line, and they have a lower run-off capacity."
1 - Minor Errata3. ContinuityUpdated Drawing. Arrows were not displaying correctly.
1 - Minor Errata3. Point LoadRemoved empty paragraph spacing
1 - Minor Errata4. Graffiti RemovalFixed typo "Grafitti"
1 - Minor Errata4. Compatibility TableInserted "online" in the description of the online interactive tool.
1 - Minor Errata4. Capillary ActionTypo — Changed 80 to 8°.
1 - Minor Errata4. MicrocrackingReplaced drawings a through to e
1 - Minor Errata5.75.7 DownpipesReplaced drawing "Collecting Rainwater"
1 - Minor Errata66 External Moisture OverviewFixed typo: "conductionand" to "conduction and"
1 - Minor Errata9.3.310.12.1 Cold Roofsfixed typo: inserted " is ..."
1 - Minor Errata9.510.11 Underlay1. Added new new photo – 9.5C Condensation on Synthetic Underlay. 2. Typo: corrected spelling of 9.5B "Condesation.." to "Condensation"
1 - Minor Errata9.5.510.7.5 Non-Residential BuildingsFixed typo: deleted extra "in"
1 - Minor Errata1011 Natural LightFixed typos: "thermal", "installation" and "available"
1 - Minor Errata10.111.1 Clause G7 NZBCFixed typos: "through", "enough"
1 - Minor Errata10.211.2 Natural Light MaterialsFixed typos: "a varying mass" and "square"
1 - Minor Errata10.311.3 Types Of Roof LightsFixed typos: "single" and removed extra space after comma.
1 - Minor Errata10.511.5 Weathering And DurabilityFixed typo: "not"
1 - Minor Errata13.1.214.17 Turndowns (Drip Forming or Drip Edging) changed "downturns" to "Turn-downs" and inserted "drip forming or drip edging" in the heading.
1 - Minor Errata13.3.314.13.2 Screws1. Fixed typos: "hardwoods", 2. Fixed broken links" "Fastener Performance" and "Secret Fixing Clips"
1 - Minor Errata13.5.314.5.3 Expansion FixingsFixed link: "favourable conditions for expansion"
1 - Minor Errata14.1.515.1.5 Purlin SpacingFixed typo: "subjected", removed comma.
1 - Minor Errata14.4.2.415.4.2.4 Types Of JointsRemoved unnecessary link: (See drawing 11.2.4)
1 - Minor Errata16.1.317.1.3 Resistance for wind pressuresReplaced incorrect numbering reference (section 15.7) with correct link (Wind and Point Load Testing)
1 - Minor Errata16.217.2 Background to ScopeCorrected heading "Commentary on 16.1"
1 - Minor Errata16.417.4 Commentary On 16.3Corrected heading: "Commentary On 16.3"
1 - Minor Errata16.917.9 Background to wind load testingCorrected heading: "Commentary On Section 16.6"