
2022 – June

The following revisions to the NZ Metal Roof and Wall Cladding Code of Practice were published on 1 June 2022.

Revised clauses:

Clause 15.4 Standing Seam Cladding and all its sub-clauses were comprehensively revised for this update.

Change in recommendation:

  • Aluminium Fastening Pattern Tables: Corrected minimum depth of corrugated aluminium to 17 mm instead of 27 mm.
  • Added H36 to the headings for correct identification and product selection.

The rest of the updates consisted of minor changes, grammar fixes, and minor edits to improve clarity.

Revision Detail - 2022 - June

CategoryClause Number (at time of update)Clause (As of current publication)Details
3 - Substantial change to recommendation3.2Aluminium Fastening Pattern Tables Corrected minimum depth of corrugated aluminium to 17 mm instead of 27 mm. Added H36 to the headings for correct identification and product selection.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation7.1.1Minimum Roof Cladding Pitch Added corrugated profiles with a height of more than 35 mm to Minimum Recommended Pitch.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation8.3Flashing Cover Increased recommended cover for Barge Flashing Cover — Trapezoidal and Secret Fixed and Barge Flashing Cover — Corrugate Category C from 50 mm to 75 mm.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.4Standing Seam Cladding The entire clause Standing Seam Cladding, including all sub-clauses, had been revised.
3 - Substantial change to recommendation15.4.3Standing Seam Materials This sub-clause has been entirely revised as part of the revision of the main clause Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Standing Seam Profiles New clause, inserted as part of a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Standing Seam Fixings New clause, inserted as part of a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Standing Seam End Laps New clause, added as part of the comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Sarking New clause, introduced as part of a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Standing Seam Ventilation New clause, introduced during a comprehensive review of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Standing Seam Roofing WInd Loads New clause, introduced during comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Penetrations on Standing Seam Cladding New clause, introduced during a comprehensive review of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Canning and Purlin Creasing New clause, introduced as part of a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Installing Standing Seam Cladding New clause, introduced as part of a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Standing Seam Cladding Set Out New clause, introduced a during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted Provision for Expansion — Standing Seam Cladding New clause, introduced during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
4 - Clause Inserted19.12022 – June Revision message June – 2022.
2 - Editing and rearrangement1Introduction Update Revisions Message
2 - Editing and rearrangement3.18G550 Steel Cladding Fastening Pattern Tables Edited table headings for improved readability. Inserted a table explaining wind speed as per NZS 3604.
1 - Minor Errata9.4.2.3Cricket Back Curbs Grammar fix. Rewrote the last sentence.
1 - Minor Errata17. of Spans Clarification.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.1Self-Supporting CladdingClause removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding. The subject is now discussed through various new sub-clauses.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2Fully Supported Roof And Wall CladdingClause removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding. For information about the subject, see Sarking.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.1TypesClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.2Traditional Architectural Metal PanelsClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.3Long Length Strip Roof CladdingClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.4Types Of JointsClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.5Standing SeamClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.6Angled SeamClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.7Roll CapClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.2.8Transverse LapsClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.1CopperClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding. For information about this material, see Copper.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.2ZincClause removed as part of the complete revision of Standing Seam Cladding. For information about this material see Zinc.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.3AluminiumClause removed as part of the complete revision of Standing Seam Cladding. For information about this material see Aluminium.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.4Stainless SteelClause removed as part of the complete revision of Standing Seam Cladding. Information about this material can be found at Stainless Steel.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.3.5Coated SteelClause removed as part of the revision of Standing Seam Cladding, information about this product is still available in Steel.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4LoadingsClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4.1FixingClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4.2SubstrateClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.4.3FastenersClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.5UnderlayClause removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding. Information about underlay can be found in Underlay.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.6VentilationClause removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding. The subject is now discussed in Standing Seam Ventilation.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.7DrainageClause removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding. For information about drainage, see Roof Drainage.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.7.1ValleysClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.8Facade CladdingThis clause was removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding. The subject is now discussed through various other sub-clauses.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9Edge FinishesThis clause was removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding, please see the new sub-clause Standing Seam End Laps.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.1Ridge And HipClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.2Apron Or AbutmentClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.3Eaves And VergeClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.4PenetrationsClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.9.5CappingsClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10DurabilityClause removed during a comprehensive revision of Standing Seam Cladding. For durability issues, see Durability.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10.1Patina FormationClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10.2Copper PatinationClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
0 - Clause Removed15.4.10.3Zinc PatinationClause removed as part of the overall revision of Standing Seam Cladding.
(optional caption)
Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
4 - Clause Inserted
Revision Detail: 

Revision message June – 2022.