
About MRM

Who We Are

The New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Association Inc (NZMRM) represents those companies that roll-form steel and other metals for roofing and cladding purposes.

Commonly known as "Rollformers" there are 25 of these companies who are members of NZMRM. Members are involved in...

Our Activities

We are involved on an on-going basis in a wide range of activities, such as:

  • NZ Metal Roofing and Wall Cladding Code of Practice
  • Testing
  • Liaison with regulatory and industry organisations such as MBIE, BOINZ, BRANZ and Standards New Zealand.
  • Warranties and Systems Guarantee

Executive Committee

The NZMRM Executive oversee the activities of the NZMRM.

The Executive is comprised of multiple committees appointed to focus on particular organisational and industry issues.

NZMRM Members

Find an NZMRM Member Location near you.

Our Sponsors

The activities of the NZMRM are suppported by many industry sponsors.


Regular updates on issues impacting the industry.