
Recommendations for Fixing Aluminium

  1. The front edge of the spouting or gutter must be higher than the crest of the roofing profile.
  2. Eaves flashings of painted or unpainted aluminium must be used. Underlay should terminate on the top of the eaves flashing.
  3. When re-roofing with aluminium, the existing support members must be inspected to ensure all staples, wire netting, nails, or other materials likely to damage the aluminium have been removed.
  4. Galvanised netting or mesh must not be in contact with the underside of aluminium roofs. If present, it must be separated by a 5 mm non-compressible barrier of inert non-absorbent, non-reactive material. Alternatively, self-supporting underlays may be used. Plastic strapping can be used for supporting underlays, stapled with stainless steel staples to the vertical face of the purlins.
  5. In a wet environment, aluminium must be separated from a corrosive surface such as concrete, butyl rubber, or CCA treated timber by using a 5 mm rigid strip of an inert non-absorbent material, an open woven geotextile layer, or PVC netting. Plastic coated steel netting is not recommended under aluminium sheeting.
  6. The design of the ceiling cavity must prevent the saturation of support members from internal or ground moisture. (See Internal Moisture.)
  7. All screws should be fitted with a profiled or bonded washer. Fixing screws shall be aluminium or Grade 304 stainless steel. Stainless steel screws must be fitted centrally through pre-drilled oversized holes (9 mm) for roofing and walls, regardless of sheet length.
  8. For sheet lengths over 10 m, the capacity to allow for thermal expansion must be in accordance with the tables in Thermal Expansion And Contraction.


Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
1 - Minor Errata
Revision Detail: 

Added "non-compressible" to point d.