
Swarf Damage

Swarf is the term given to the metal debris arising from cutting or piercing operations when using friction saws, drills, or other tools on roofing and cladding products. In this context, swarf may also include any other discarded steel objects such as rivet shanks, nails, screws, and nuts which may come into contact with cladding products.

Steel swarf particles left on the surface will corrode and cause rust stains which will detract from the finished appearance of a project. These stains are often mistaken for early deterioration of the roofing and cladding itself. See Swarf Staining and Cut Edge Corrosion.

Clause Number: 
Revision Category: 
3 - Substantial change to recommendation
Revision Detail: 

This clause has been reviewed as part of a substantial revision of COP Clause 14. Installation.

Draft Clause: 